1. She said, and I said: "Show restraint and pray,
The rope of a man is in your connection."
١. قَالَت وَقُلتُ تَحَرَّجي وَصلي
حَبلَ امرئٍ بِوِصالِكُم صَبِّ
2. So unite with my husband, I told her.
Betrayal is not of my kind.
٢. واصِل إِذَن بَعلي فَقُلتُ لَها
الغَدرُ شيءٌ لَيسَ مِن ضَربي
3. There are two I will not join together:
The neighbor of my friend and of my side.
٣. ثِنتانِ لا أَدنو لِوَصلِهما
عِرسُ الخَليلِ وَجارَةُ الجَنبِ
4. As for my friend, I will not betray him,
And my Lord has entrusted me with the neighbor.
٤. أَما الخَليلُ فَلَستُ فاجِعَهُ
والجارُ أَوصاني بِهِ رَبّي
5. By the valley of Mecca, I will not confess it -
A Qurashi woman has conquered my heart.
٥. وَبِبَطنِ مَكَّةَ لا أَبوحُ بِهِ
قُرشيَّةٌ غَلَبَت عَلى قَلبي
6. Had she, when her procession passed
On the day of Kadid, obeyed me, my companions
٦. وَلَو انَّها إِذ مَرَّ مَوكِبُها
يَومَ الكَديدِ أَطاعَني صَحبي
7. Would have said: Greetings from yearning to her,
And to her procession, greetings from riders.
٧. قُلنا لَها حُيّيتِ مِن شَجَنٍ
وَلرَكبِها حُيّيتَ مِن رَكبِ
8. I kill my longing by seeing her,
As cold sweet water kills thirst.
٨. والشَوقُ أَقتُلُهُ بِرؤيَتِها
قَتلَ الظَما بِالبارِدِ العَذبِ
9. If all the people together
Inhabited one valley - greetings! While you are in a valley,
٩. والناسُ إِن حَلّوا جَميعهُمُ
شِعباً سَلامُ وَأَنت في شِعبِ
10. I would have isolated your valley from theirs
And being near you would have sufficed me.
١٠. لَحَلَلتُ شِعبَكِ دونَ شِعبِهم
وَلَكانَ قُربي مِنكُمُ حَسبي
11. Like this, we mention to a lovely woman
Some talk - your riding animal has straightened, companions.
١١. عوجوا كَذا نَذكُر لِغانيَةٍ
بَعضَ الحَديثِ مَطيّكُم صَحبي
12. And we conveyed to her: Why the rejection? And why
Should we sin when you began with sin?
١٢. وَنَقل لَها فيمَ الصُدودُ وَلَم
نُذنِب بَل أَنتِ بَدأتِ بِالذَنبِ
13. If you accept, we accept and bring you down
From us to the abode of plains and breadth.
١٣. إِن تُقبِلي نُقبِل ونُنزِلُكُم
مِنّا بِدارِ السَهلِ والرّحبِ
14. Or if you turn your back, you embitter our life
And split those harmonious with the valley.
١٤. أَو تُدبِري تَكدُر مَعيشَتُنا
وَتُصَدِّعي مُتلائِمَ الشعبِ