1. You ruled with justice, leaving no ambitious man
Yearning for rule though coerced and unwilling.
١. قَضَيت قَضاءً فِي الخِلافَة لَم تَدَع
لِذِي نَخوَةٍ يَرجُو الخِلافَة مرغَما
2. You were content with what contented their souls,
And you succeeded, firmly holding to truth.
٢. رَضيت لَهُم مَا قَد رَضوا لِنُفوسِهِم
وَأَفلَحتَ من قَد كانَ بِالحَقِّ أَعصَما
3. Some people attempted to turn you back, but
They confronted, despite themselves, God's decree.
٣. وَقَد رَامَ أَقوامٌ رداكَ فَعَالَجُوا
عَلَى رَغمِهِم أَمراً مِنَ اللَهِ مُحكَما
4. He ordained, but they disobeyed, desiring
Against His command, yet they could not coerce you.
٤. قَضَى فَعَصَوهُ رَغبَةً عَن قَضائِهِ
فَلَم يَجدوا عَما أَرادُوك مَرغَما
5. He refused them escape from their disgrace
Or removal of the honor of the most noble.
٥. أَبى لَهُمُ أَن يَخلُصُوا مِن هَوانِهِ
وَأَن يَنزِعُوا إِكرامَ مَن كَانَ أَكرَما
6. They left not the blind of opinion or sight
Until the keen and piercing became enlightened.
٦. وَلَم يَترُكُوا ذا لِبسَةٍ رأيه عَمىً
وَلَم يَترُكُوا ذا الدَرءِ حَتَّى تَقَوَّما
7. With its swords after blindness they supported truth,
The certainty of elucidation, not random tales.
٧. بِأَسيافِها بَعد العَمَى نَصَرُوا الهُدَى
يَقينَ البَيانِ لا الحَديث المُرَجَّما