
O rider, if you meet

أيا راكبا إما عرضت فبلغن

1. O rider, if you meet
Deliver my messages to the Commander of the Faithful

١. أَيا راكِباً إِمّا عَرَضتَ فَبَلِّغَن
هُديتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ رَسائِلي

2. And say to Abu Hafs when you see him
You were unprofitable, with few virtues

٢. وَقُل لأَبي حَفصٍ إِذا ما لَقيتَهُ
لَقَد كُنتَ نَفّاعاً قَليلَ الغَوائِلِ

3. Is it Godly to advance on Ibn Hazm and sever
The ties of kinship between us and the channels of communication?

٣. أَفي اللَهِ أَن تُدنوا ابنَ حَزمٍ وَتَقطَعوا
قُوى حُرُماتٍ بَينَنا وَوَصائِلِ

4. How then can life be sweet and pleasurable
While your uncle is bound in shackles?

٤. فَكَيفَ تَرى لِلعَيشِ طِيباً وَلذَّةً
وَخالُكَ أَمسى مُوثَقاً في الحَبائِلِ

5. Never before did the Hazmis covet status
From any of the Marwanites, even the just ones

٥. وَما طَمِعَ الحَزميُّ في الجاهِ قَبلَها
إِلى أَحَدٍ مِن آلِ مَروانَ عادِلِ

6. But they slandered us and aided our enemy against us
Those who were not oblivious to our plight

٦. وَشَى وَأَطاعُوهُ بِنا وَأَعانَهُ
عَلى أَمرِنا مَن لَيسَ عَنّا بِغافِلِ

7. I thought kinship would not forsake
Its sanctities in eras past

٧. وَكُنتُ أَرى أَنَّ القَرابَةَ لَم تَدَع
وَلا الحُرُماتِ في العُصورِ الأَوائِلِ

8. To anyone of repute among the Marwanites
When we opposed his word, however eloquent

٨. إِلى أَحَدٍ مِن آلِ مَروانَ ذي حِجىً
بِأَمرٍ كَرِهناهُ مَقالاً لِقائِلِ

9. He is gladdened by what the enemy concluded though it is
Superfluous to me, despite being among the noblest supererogations

٩. يُسَرُّ بِما أَنهى العَدوُّ وَإِنَّهُ
كَنافِلَةٍ لي مِن خِيارِ النَوافِلِ

10. Do these people diminish me for being a Muslim
Undeserving of my affliction in those few nights?

١٠. فَهَل يَنقُصَنّي القَومُ أَن كُنتُ مُسلِماً
بَريئاً بَلائي في لَيالٍ قَلائِلِ

11. Alas, many who rejoiced in us will rage
When the matter concludes bitterly, gnawing fingers

١١. أَلا رُبَّ مَسرورٍ بِنا سَيَغيظُهُ
لَدى غِبِّ أَمرٍ عَضُّهُ بِالأَنامِلِ

12. The family of Hazm sought peace from me, but I disdained
To be ignorant of their religion, and I will not be a party to it

١٢. رَجا الصُلحَ مِنّي آلُ حَزمِ بنِ فَرتَنى
عَلى دينِهِم جَهلاً وَلَستُ بِفاعِلِ

13. They desire humiliation, for they are
The children of sinners, recoiling from good

١٣. أَلا قَد يُرَجُّونَ الهَوانَ فَإِنَّهُم
بَنو حَبِق ناءٍ عَنِ الخَيرِ فائِلِ

14. Just as the matter turned against me, the heads of tribes waited
For my punishment of them

١٤. عَلى حين حَلَّ القَولُ بي وَتَنَظَّرَت
عُقُوبَتَهُم مِنّي رُؤوسُ القَبائِلِ