
When I almost failed to recognize Salma, I said to her,

إذ كدت أنكر من سلمى فقلت لها

1. When I almost failed to recognize Salma, I said to her,
"When we met, your feet showed no sign of age."

١. إِذ كِدتُ أُنكِرُ مِن سَلمَى فَقُلتُ لَها
لَمّا التَقَينا وَما بِالعَهدِ مِن قِدَمِ

2. "May God grant you life," she said, "except for the days
When you were our neighbor in the land of Salm."

٢. عَمَّرتُكِ اللَهَ إِلا مَا ذَكَرتِ لَنا
هَل كُنتِ جارَتَنا أَيّامَ ذِي سَلَمِ