1. I yearn for Ummayah though she be far or near
One day, and my advice and poetry I send to her
١. أَهوى أُمَيَّةَ إِن شَطَّت وَإِن قَرُبَت
يَوماً وَأُهدي لَها نُصحي وَأَشعاري
2. And if she came upon abundance, she'd not care
Nor quench my thirst with water she could spare
٢. وَلَو وَرَدتُ عَلَيها الفَيضَ ما حَفَلَت
وَلا شَفَت عَطَشي مِن مائِهِ الجاري
3. Give no shelter to my prudent views therein
Though thrown in fire, this prudence stay unseen
٣. لا تأوِيَنَّ لِحَزميٍّ رَأَيتَ بِهِ
ضُرّاً وَلَو طُرِحَ الحَزميُّ في النارِ
4. Those rousing Marwan, and Dhi Khashub too
And those imposing upon Uthman in his abode
٤. الناخِسينَ بِمَروانٍ بِذي خُشُبٍ
والمُقحِمينَ عَلى عُثمانَ في الدارِ