
And a foolish, weak-minded master,

ومولى سخيف الرأي رخو تزيده

1. And a foolish, weak-minded master,
Whose ignorance my gentleness increases for him blame,

١. وَمَولىً سَخيفِ الرَأيِ رِخوٍ تَزيدُهُ
أَناتي وَعَفوي جَهلَهُ عِندَهُ ذَمّا

2. I showed patience, and had it not been for others, I would have struck him
With lasting disgrace, its shame admitting no bones.

٢. دَمَلتُ وَلَولا غَيرُهُ لأَصَبتُهُ
بِشَنعاءَ باقٍ عارُها تَقِرُ العَظما

3. But the veins of evil supported him and fell short
That he should gain praise, so he sought blame.

٣. وَكانَت عُروقُ السوءِ أَزرَت وَقَصَّرَت
بِهِ أَن يَنالَ الحَمدَ فَالتَمَسَ الذَمّا

4. He harbored rancorous envy against me as if
I treat him in every gathering with words.

٤. طَوى حَسَداً ضِغناً عَليَّ كَأَنَّما
أدَاوي بِهِ في كُلِّ مَجمَعَةٍ كَلما

5. And he is sometimes ignorant, so let him not take me lightly,
Nor am I ignorant of reproach when reason returns.

٥. وَيَجهَلُ أَحياناً فَلا يَستَخِفُّني
وَلا أَجهَلُ العُتبى إِذا راجَعَ الحِلما

6. He keeps away and distances himself in prosperity with his love,
And he comes near and calls me when he fears injustice.

٦. يَصُدُّ وَينأَى في الرَخاءِ بِوُدِّهِ
وَيَدنو وَيَدعوني إِذا خَشِيَ الهَضما

7. So my presence relieves the worry of his opponent,
And I ward off from him his stumbling into injustice.

٧. فَيُفرِجُ عَنهُ إِربَة الخَصمِ مَشهَدي
وَأَدفَعُ عَنهُ عِندَ عَثرَتِهِ الظُلما

8. And I prevent him if one day he commits a shameful act,
And he surrenders me if my adversaries commit a crime.

٨. وَأَمنَعُهُ إِن جَرَّ يَوماً جَريرَةً
وَيُسلِمُني إِن جَرَّ جارِمِيَ الجُرما

9. And I was a man whom the actions of glorious,
Ancient glory shook, not pretense.

٩. وَكُنتُ امرَأً عَودَ الفَعالِ تَهُزُّني
مَآثِرُ مَجدٍ تالِدٍ لَم يَكُن زَعما

10. And you insulted me in the courtyard of Malik
Cursing me like a dog when it barks at a star.

١٠. وَكُنتَ وَشَتمي في أرومَةِ مالِكٍ
بِسَبّي بِهِ كَالكَلبِ إِذ يَنبَحُ النَّجما

11. And you are called to Zeid but you are not one of them,
Deserving a father except in allegiance and no mother.

١١. وَتُدعى إِلى زَيدٍ وَما أَنتَ مِنهُمُ
تَحُقُّ أَباً إِلا الوَلاءَ وَلا أُمّا

12. And if you were to count the lineages of Malik
And her days among them and did not cast stones.

١٢. وَإِنّكَ لَو عَدَّدتَ أَحسابَ مالِكٍ
وَأَيّامَها فيها وَلَم تَنطِقِ الرَّجما

13. It would return you a slave or you wandered begging
Feeling in a tribe other than Malik, castrated.

١٣. أَعادَتكَ عَبداً أَو تَنَقَّلتَ مُكدِياً
تَلَمَّسُ في حَيٍّ سِوى مالِك جِذما

14. And I am not one inserted into the castration of Malik,
Nor am I one named then adhering to a name.

١٤. وَما أَنا بِالمَخسوسِ في جِذمِ مالِكٍ
وَلا بِالمُسَمّى ثُمَّ يَلتَزِمُ الإِسما