1. Does my heart ache every day,
And do my eyes weep for those I love?
١. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ حَبَّةُ القَلبِ تُقرَعُ
وَعَيني لِبَينٍ مِن ذَوي الوُدِّ تَدمَعُ
2. Truly I'm afflicted each hour
With sorrows that stir mournful yearnings.
٢. أَبِالجدِّ أَنّي مُبتَلىً كُلَّ ساعَةٍ
بِهَمٍّ لَهُ لَوعاتُ حُزنٍ تَطَلَّعُ
3. When one sorrow departs from me
I expect another will follow after.
٣. إِذا ذَهَبَت عَنّي غَواشٍ لِعَبرَةٍ
أَظَلُّ لأُخرَى بَعدَها أَتَوَقَّعُ
4. Neither is my soul at peace
Nor with what comes from fate content.
٤. فَلا النَفسُ مِن تَهمامِها مُستَريحَةٌ
وَلا بِالَّذي يأَتي مِنَ الدَهرِ تَقنَعُ
5. Neither am I pleased by those I'm linked to
Nor enjoying loyalty's pure companions.
٥. وَلا أَنا بِالَّلائي نَسَبتُ مُرَزَّأٌ
وَلا بِذَوي خِلصِ الصَفا مُتَمَتِّعُ
6. Fickle time has turned against me
Severing ties the moment they are tied.
٦. وَأُولِعَ بي صَرفُ الزَمانِ وَعَطفُهُ
لِتَقطيعِ وَصل خُلَّةٍ حينَ تَقطَعُ
7. And longing, that ancient love, stirs in me
A dove that mourns between two homes.
٧. وَهاجَ ليَ الشَوقَ القَديمَ حَمامَةٌ
عَلى الأَيكِ بَينَ القَريَتَينِ تَفَجَّعُ
8. Collared, calling plaintively, beneath it
Are young branches swaying delicately.
٨. مُطَوَّقَةٌ تَدعو هَديلاً وَتَحتَها
لَهُ فَنَنٌ ذو نَضرَةٍ يَتَزَعزَعُ
9. Its plaint is not like my plaint, nor is what
Makes it grieve like what makes me grieve.
٩. وَما شَجوها كالشَجوِ مِنّي وَلا الَّذي
إِذا جَزِعَت مِثلَ الَّذي مِنهُ أَجزَعُ
10. I said: "If you were true in your love,
You'd do as I have done for longing's sake."
١٠. فَقُلتُ لَها لَو كُنتِ صادِقَةَ الهَوى
صَنَعتِ كَما أَصبَحتُ لِلشَّوقِ أَصنَعُ
11. But you hid your passion except in song
To which a frightened heart submitted.
١١. وَلَكِن كَتَمتِ الوَجدَ إِلا تَرَنُّماً
أَطاعَ لَهُ مِنّي فؤَادٌ مُرَوَّعُ
12. No difference between one who weeps for love
And a bird, though both cry and lament.
١٢. وَما يَستَوي باكٍ لِشَجوٍ وَطائِرٌ
سِوى أَنَّهُ يَدعُو بِصَوتٍ وَتَسجَعُ
13. So know that I'll never act
As you have, but cast my heart far from you,
١٣. فَلا أَنا مِما قَد بَدا مِنك فاعلَمي
أصبُّ بَعيداً مِنكِ قَلباً وَأوجَعُ
14. And though what I feel were in one whose
Kindness today might still raise hope,
١٤. وَلَو أَنَّ ما أُعنى بِهِ كانَ في الَّذي
يؤَمَّلُ مِن مَعروفِهِ اليَومَ مَطمَعُ