1. He pelted the people of my two rivers when he led them astray
An Omani marked them with submission
١. رَمَى أَهلَ نَهري بِابِل إِذ أَضَلَّهُم
أَزَل عُمانيّ بِهِ الوَشمُ راضِعُ
2. With seventy thousand, all of them when tested
All armed but weak in spirit, clad in mail
٢. بِسَبعينَ أَلفاً كُلُّهُم حينَ يُبتَلَى
جَميعُ السلاحِ باسِلُ النَفسِ دارِعُ
3. From Syria until their forces routed them
In their own land, and the confederates withdrew
٣. مِنَ الشامِ حَتَّى صَبَّحَتهُم جُموعُه
بِأَرضِهِم وَالمُقرَباتُ النَزائِعُ
4. When they saw the people of certainty show cowardice
They sought escape, and death along every street
٤. فَلَما رَأَوا أَهلَ اليَقينِ تَخاذَلوا
وَرامُوا النَّجاةَ وَالمَنايا شَوارِعُ
5. At an hour when no excuse can help the unjust
Nor can they resist the power of God
٥. عَلَى سَاعَةٍ لا عُذرَ فيها لِظالِمٍ
وَلا لَهُمُ مِن سَطوَةِ اللَهِ مانِعُ
6. So evil clung to them, its harm undiminished
The stars that rose for them began to set
٦. فَظَلَّ لَهُم يَلوصُ بِهم حلَّ شَرّه
تَزولُ لَهُم فيهِ النُّجومُ الطَّوالِعُ
7. The certain ones harried them, and each one
Sought refuge from death, but death allowed no refuge
٧. يَجوسُهُم أَهلُ اليَّقينِ فَكُلُّهُم
يَلوذُ حِذارَ المَوتِ وَالمَوتُ كانِعُ
8. And how many swords of the hypocrites
Left them bleeding, their organs gushing, deceived
٨. وَكَم غادَرَت أَسيافُهُم مِن مُنافِقٍ
يَمُجُّ دَماً أَوداجُه وَالأخادِعُ
9. A slain foe whose death we see brings no gain
Met an ignoble end, stripped of clothing
٩. قَتيل نَرَى مَا لا ينال وَفاته
وَلاقَى ذَمِيماً مَوته وَهو خالِعُ
10. He howled, and slaves answered his howl
Innovators in every affair for him
١٠. عَوَى فَاستَجابَت إِذ عَوَى لِعوائِهِ
عبيدٌ لهُم فِي كُلِّ أَمرٍ بَدائِعُ
11. He continued to intend mischief from his vile thinking
In blindness, until it deafened those who heard
١١. وَمَا زالَ يَنوِي الغَيَّ مِن نوكِ رَأيِهِ
بِعَمياءَ حَتَّى احتَزَّ مِنها المسامِعُ
12. Until the throng was decimated, and became
For some vagabonds as their fortunes fated
١٢. وَحَتَّى استُبيحَ الجَمعُ مِنهُم فَأَصبَحوا
لِبَعضِ الأُلَى كانَت تُصيبُ القَوارِعُ
13. Two parties: one, slain, lying dead in their crime
Wretched; another, imprisoned, mosques their fate
١٣. فَريقانِ مَقتولٌ صَريعٌ بِذَنبِهِ
شَقِيٌّ وَمَأسورٌ عَلَيهِ الجَوامِعُ
14. In Babylon's Nahrayn their heads
Are our trophies, borne on plodding camels
١٤. فَأَضحَوا بِنَهرَي بابِلٍ وَرُؤوسهم
نُجيزُ بِها البيدَ المَطايَا الخَواضِعُ
15. By my life, evil deeds and dire events
Came to them against their will, those atrocities
١٥. لَعَمرِي لَقَد ضَلَّت وَدارَت عَلَيهِم
بِما كَرِهُوا تِلكَ الأُمور الفَظائِعُ
16. Armbands and turbans, affairs gone awry
When the son of Dahma assumed power, what loss!
١٦. عَصائِبُ وَلَّتكَ ابنَ دَحمَة أَمرَها
وَذَلِك أَمرٌ يا ابنَ دَحمةَ ضائِعُ