
Your dwellings outshine the lightning

شأتك المنازل بالأبرق

1. Your dwellings outshine the lightning
With windows like eyes in a veil

١. شأَتكَ المَنازِلُ بِالأَبرَقِ
دَوارِسَ كالعَينِ في المُهرَق

2. For a beautiful reason were you created
And whatever the years, more beauty unveiled

٢. لآلِ جَميلَة قَد أَخلقَت
وَمَهما يَطُل عَهدُهُ يُخلِق

3. If people ask am I in love
Then who is there untouched by desire?

٣. فَإِن يَقُلِ الناسُ لي عاشِقٌ
فَأَينَ الَّذي هوَ لَم يَعشَق

4. Who hasn't shed tears in the darkness
O'er the heart lost in youth set afire

٤. وَلَم يَبكِ نؤياً عَلى عَبرَةٍ
بِداءِ الصَبابَةِ والمَعلَق