
Now that they have pledged allegiance to misguidance

أفالآن لما بايعوا لضلالة

1. Now that they have pledged allegiance to misguidance
Why did you not accept when they had not yet pledged?

١. أَفالآنَ لَمَّا بَايَعوا لِضَلالَةٍ
دَعَوت فَهَلا قَبل إِذ لَم يُبايِعُوا

2. And without what I attempted of their violation of the covenant
And your death is certain, O son of Dahma the fallen

٢. وَمِن دُون مَا حاوَلت مِن نكث عَهدهم
وأمكَ مَوتٌ يا ابنَ دَحمةَ ناقِعُ

3. So taste the bitterness of what you have come to, for you are lost
To the crime of what you have met, thirsty and hungry

٣. فَذُق غِبَّ مَا قَد جِئتَ أنكَ ضَلَّة
إِلَى جُرمِ مَا لاقَيتَ عَطشان جائِعُ

4. You disbelieved the one who granted you favor and guided you
With goodness and blessing, yet your cheek fell down begging

٤. كَفَرت الذِي أَسدَوا إِلَيك وَسَدَّدُوا
مِنَ الحُسنِ وَالنُعمَى فَخَدُّك ضارِعُ

5. Are you the commander of the faithful? For I
Am content with your love over the love of mankind

٥. هَل انتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّنِي
بِوُدِّكَ مِن ودّ البَرِيَّةِ قانِعُ

6. Completing a reward already passed and a favor
That we have with you, since favors are not counted

٦. مُتَممُ أَجرٍ قَد مَضَى وَصَنيعَةٍ
لَكُم عِندنا إِذ لا تُعَدُّ الصنَّائِعُ

7. And how many aggressive enemies with aggression
And eavesdroppers of the unseen, what will you do?

٧. وَكَم مِن عَدوٍّ كاشِحٍ ذِي كَشَاحَةٍ
وَمُستَمِعٍ بِالغَيبِ مَا أَنتَ صانِعُ