
A king whom kings obey, blessed and revered

ملك تدين له الملوك مبارك

1. A king whom kings obey, blessed and revered
His glory made the mountains nearly disappear

١. مَلِكٌ تدينُ لَهُ المُلوكُ مُبارَكٌ
كادَت لِهَيبَتِهِ الجِبالُ تَزولُ

2. Balkh and the Tigris rivers to him pay their tribute
As do Euphrates, the Nile and lands they irrigate through

٢. تُجبَى لَهُ بَلخٌ وَدِجلَةُ كُلُّها
وَلَهُ الفُراتُ وَما سَقى والنِّيلُ