
You have marveled that the son of Hazm rode a she-mule,

أعجبت أن ركب ابن حزم بغلة

1. You have marveled that the son of Hazm rode a she-mule,
Yet his riding atop the pulpits is more wondrous.

١. أَعَجِبتَ أَن رَكِبَ ابنُ حَزمٍ بَغلَةً
فَركوبُهُ فَوقَ المَنابِرِ أَعجَبُ

2. You were astonished that the son of Hazm was made a chamberlain,
Glory to Him who made the son of Hazm veiled.

٢. وَعَجِبتَ أَن جَعَلَ ابن حَزمٍ حاجِباً
سُبحانَ مَن جَعَلَ ابنَ حَزمٍ يُحجَبُ