
Five beauties glanced at me with gentleness

خمس دسسن إلي في لطف

1. Five beauties glanced at me with gentleness
Maidens with gazelle eyes, delicate as flowers

١. خَمسٌ دَسَسنَ إِليَّ في لَطَفٍ
حُورُ العيونِ نَواعِمٌ زُهرُ

2. I approached them as they walked, while
The guard slept and the eagle circled

٢. فَطَرَقتُهُنَّ مَعَ الجريِّ وَقَد
نامَ الرَقيبُ وَحَلَّقَ النَسرُ

3. Hiding in the thicket, they were startled
Angrily brandishing his staff, a guard appeared

٣. مُستَبطِناً لِلحَيِّ إِذ فَزِعوا
عَضباً يَلوحُ بِمَتنِهِ أَثرُ

4. They spent the night gracefully reclining
Then awoke at dawn

٤. فَعَكَفنَ لَيلَتَهُنَّ ناعِمَةً
ثُمَّ استَفَقنَ وَقَد بَدا الفَجرُ

5. With the sweetest honeyed smile that dimmed
The radiance of youth, their gowns flowing

٥. بِأَشَمَّ مَعسولٍ فُكاهَتُهُ
غَضَّ الشَبابِ رِداؤُهُ غَمرُ

6. A far famed charmer, renowned
The night revealed to him its secrets

٦. زَولٌ بَعيدُ الصِيتِ مُشتَهِرٌ
جابَت لَهُ جَيبَ الدُجى عَمرُ

7. She came up to converse with him, swaying coquettishly
Walking gently, a chaste maiden

٧. قامَت تُخاصِرُهُ لِكِلَّتِها
تَمشي تأَوَّدُ غادَةٌ بِكرُ

8. They conversed intimately beyond their companions
With words that delighted, as if it were magic

٨. فَتَنازَعا مِن دونِ نِسوَتِها
كَلِماً يُسَرُّ كَأَنَّهُ سِحرُ

9. Each saw that youth was theirs
In every impulse of passionate youth, an excuse

٩. كُلٌّ يَرى أَنَّ الشَبابَ لَهُ
في كُلِّ غايَةِ صَبوَةٍ عُذرُ

10. A coyness, the most alluring of youthful charms
Untouched by time, radiant

١٠. سَيفانَةٌ أشَرُ الشَبابِ بِها
رَقراقَةٌ لَم يُبلِها الدَهرُ

11. Until he revealed his love for her
And her love for him was uncovered, no more concealed

١١. حَتّى إِذا أَبدى هَواهُ لَها
وَبَدا هَواها ما لَهُ سِترُ

12. She traveled, though not to get acquainted
With a face more lovely than the full moon

١٢. سَفَرَت وَما سَفَرَت لِمَعرِفَةٍ
وَجهاً أَغَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ البَدرُ