1. Do not expect constancy from me, though now we are friends,
For time's changes often friendship's fervor end.
١. لا تَأمَني الصَرمَ مِنّي أَن تَري كَلَفي
وَإِن مَضى لِصَفاءِ الوُدِّ أَعصارُ
2. The heart was named inconstant for its restless tide;
Opinion shifts, desires have phases wide.
٢. ما سُمّيَ القَلبُ إِلا مِن تَقَلُّبِهِ
وَالرّأيُ يُصرَفُ والأَهواءُ أَطوارُ
3. How many dear ones in the days before us two
Grew tired of loving and estranged withdrew!
٣. كَم مِن ذوي مِقَةٍ قَبلي وَقَبلكمُ
خانوا فَأَضحوا إِلى الهِجرانِ قَد صاروا