
Oh, if only I had fallen in love with the night

فيا ليت أنا قد تعشقت الملا

1. Oh, if only I had fallen in love with the night
When dawn was shining and the stars were still twinkling

١. فَيا لَيتَ أَنا قَد تَعَشَّقت المَلا
بِنا قلص يَلحينَ وَالفَجرُ ساطِعُ

2. Beams from the necks of a night as if they were
Cats lapping water from a bright pond

٢. موارِقُ مِن أَعناقِ لَيلٍ كَأَنَّها
قَطاً قَاربٌ ماءَ النميرَةِ ساطِعُ

3. I take medicine to heal what God has perfectly crafted
When not treating the beads their makers have strung

٣. طَوَينَ أداوِي أَحكَم اللَه صُنعَها
إِذا لَم تُعالج خَرزَهُنَّ الصَّوانِعُ

4. With the throats of slender waists that do not burden a lover
When their collarbones have donned necklaces

٤. بفَتوِي نُحورٍ مَا يُكَلِّفن مُمسكاً
حناجِرها لَما استَقَينَ المَقامِعُ

5. They help a lost one at the edge of the desert
Sheltering them, giving them family and homes

٥. يُغِثنَ بِها زُغباً بِرَأسِ مَفازَةٍ
تَضَمنها مِنها رُبىً وَأَجارِعُ

6. Cloaked in dust, squat, as if they were
Tent pegs without their ropes and poles

٦. مُلَبدَةً غُبراً جُثوماً كَأَنَّها
أَفانِئُ لَولا رُوسُها وَالأَكارِعُ

7. They took up residence in the empty quarters of barren lands
Thus they are protected by the expanse of the wilderness

٧. تَبَوَّأنَ بيضاً فِي أَفاحِيص قَفرةٍ
فَهُنَّ بِفَيفاءِ الفلاةِ وَدائِعُ

8. Yet we were led away from a land we love
By an imam whose legacy continues

٨. وَإِنّا عَدانا عَن بِلادٍ نُحِبُّها
إِمامٌ دَعانا نَفعُهُ المُتَتابِعُ

9. More treacherous than Marwan and Layla, as if he were
A sharpened sword with polished edges cutting

٩. أَغَرُّ لِمَروانٍ وَلَيلى كَأَنَّهُ
حُسَامٌ جَلَت عَنهُ الصَياقِلُ قاطِعُ

10. He is the branch from Abd Manaf, both of them
Ending with him, their glory and friendship

١٠. هُوَ الفَرعُ مِن عَبدَي مَنافٍ كِلَيهِما
إِلَيهِ انتَهَت أَحسابُها وَالدَسائِعُ

11. When he appears to onlookers it is as if
A crescent has risen in the darkness of night

١١. إِذا مَا بَدا لِلنَّاظِرينَ كَأَنَّهُ
هِلالٌ بَدا فِي ظُلمَةِ الليلِ طَالِعُ

12. Every wealthy man is content with his actions
And every noble man is humble before him

١٢. وَكُلُّ غَنيٍّ قانِعٌ بِفَعالِهِ
وَكُلُّ عَزيزٍ عِندَهُ مُتواضِعُ

13. He is death at times, and yet he
Is a life-giving rain that gives life to people far and wide

١٣. هوَ المَوتُ أَحياناً يَكونُ وَإِنَّهُ
لَغَيثُ حَياً يَحيى بِهِ الناسُ واسِعُ

14. No one appears before him from behind his veil
Except bowed in humility, in awe

١٤. فَما أَحَدٌ يَبدُو لَه مِن حجابِهِ
فَينظرُ إِلا وَهوَ بِالذُّلِّ خاشِعُ

15. We hope for his grace and fear him
And treat both cautiously

١٥. فَنَحنُ نرجِّي نَفعَه وَنَخافَهُ
وَكِلتَاهُما مِنهُ بِرفقٍ نُصانِعُ

16. He has a pouch containing both life and surahs
That can kill, and a forbearance sweeter than honey

١٦. لَهُ دِسَعٌ فِيها حَياة وَسورَة
تُميتُ وَحلم يَفضلُ الحُلوَ بارِعُ