1. There is none in time
To be hoped for averting calamities,
١. ما فِي الزَّمانِ جَوادٌ
يُرْجَى لِدَفْعِ العَظائِمْ
2. Nor for attaining desires,
Nor for giving generosities,
٢. وَلا لِنَيْلِ مُرادٍ
ولا لِبَذلِ المَكارِمْ
3. Other than you, O best guardian,
Called upon, O best ruler.
٣. سِواكَ يا خَيرَ والٍ
يُدْعَى ويا خَيْرَ حاكِمْ
4. Look with your right at my state,
For you are with the state All-Knowing.
٤. انْظرْ بِحَقِّكَ حالِي
فأنتَ بالحال عالمْ
5. Al-Imam has shown us
That today he is fasting,
٥. إنْ العِمادَ أرانا
بأنَّه الْيَوْمَ صائِمْ
6. He hopes for no reward,
And fears no sins.
٦. وَليسَ يَرْجُو ثَواباً
وَلا يَخافُ مآثِمْ
7. It is not hidden from him
That the oppressor has no fasting.
٧. وليسَ يَخْفَى عليه
أنْ لا صِيامَ لظالِمْ
8. Our fasting in following him
Is the fasting of beasts.
٨. وصَوْمُنا في اتِّباعٍ
لهُ صِيامُ البَهائمْ
9. So take for us today from him,
Our lunch while he is unwilling.
٩. فَخُذْ لنا اليَوْمَ منهُ
غَداءَنا وهْوَ رَاغِمْ