1. The creation of witnesses and workers
Is like the creation of lovers and tormentors
١. إنَّ خُلْقَ الشُّهودِ وًَالعُمَّالِ
مِثْلَ خُلْقِ العُشَّاقِ والعُذَّالِ
2. Every just person frustrated in attainment
Is like a lover frustrated in union
٢. كلُّ عَدْلٍ مُضايِقِ في وُصولٍ
كَعَذُولٍ مُضايِقِ في وِصالِ
3. I do not know the meaning of hatred
Between the two groups except love of money
٣. لَسْتُ أَدْرِي معنَى التَّباغُّضِ
ما بَيْنَ الفَرِيْقَيْنِ غيرَ حُبِّ المالِ
4. So if greed disappears from them
Disagreement between them heralds dissolution
٤. فإذا زالتِ المطامِعُ منهمُ
أَذَّنَ الخُلْفُ بينهمْ بالزوالِ
5. The servants bid me farewell and they
Had prepared their weapons for my murder
٥. سالَمتْنِي المُسْتَدَمُونَ وكانُوا
قدْ أَعَدُّوا سِلاَحَهُمْ لِقِتالِي
6. Some eulogized others and it has become clear to you now
The severity of the horrors
٦. وَرَثى بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ وَقَدْ با
نَ لَكَ الآنَ شِدَّةُ الأهوالِ
7. And the son of Al-Ashal saw that there remained
A writer like his grandfather in the north
٧. وَرَأى ابنُ الأشَلِّ قد كانَ يبقى
كاتِباً مِثْلَ جَدِّهِ بالشِّمالِ
8. So he turned to chastity, he who was once
Oblivious to chastity
٨. فالتَجا لِلْعَفَافِ مَنْ كانَ يَوْماً
لا له يَخْطُرُ العَفافُ ببالِ
9. And they have eyes that overlook the eye
And hands outstretched when shackled
٩. وَلهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ تَغُضُّ عَنْ
العَيْنِ وَأيْدٍ تُمَدُّ عِنْدَ الغِلالِ
10. By your father Hazm who distinguished
The riffraff among them from the righteous
١٠. بأبي حَزْمُكَ الذي طَرَّق
الأَنْذَالَ منهم طَرائِقَ الأَبْدَالِ
11. Do not make their hearts accustomed to affection
It is from your whip in confusion
١١. لا تُوَطِّنْ قلوبَهُمْ بِهِجَاءٍ
إنها منْ سُطاكَ في بَلْبالِ
12. The sword and tongue are not equal in sharpness
Can reality equal the absurd?
١٢. ما استوَى السِّيْفُ واللِّسَانُ مَضَاءً
أَتُساوَى حَقِيقةٌ بِمُحالِ
13. My words are joking while your deeds determination
Like the throwing of pebbles and the shooting of arrows
١٣. إنَّ قَوْلِي هَزْلاً وَفِعْلَكَ جَدَّاً
مِثْلُ نَبْلِ الحَصَى وَرَشْقِ النِّبَالِ
14. And my craving and passion for hitting
In the sand to obtain the happiest of forms
١٤. وَلَلَهْفِي وَلِعْتَ بالضَّرْبِ في
الرَّمْلِ لأَحْظَى بأسْعَدِ الأَشْكالِ
15. So I praised the path when it bore witness for me
When I saw it concluding well
١٥. فحَمِدْتُ الطَّرِيقَ إذا أِشْهَدَتْ لِي
حينَ عايَنْتُها بِحُسْنِ مآلِ
16. And the meeting tomorrow guarantees me
Attaining my hopes and aspirations from you
١٦. وَغَدا الاجتماعُ يَضْمَنُ لِي
عَنْكَ بُلوغَ الرَّجاءِ وَالآمالِ
17. Honor has sprouted in me from you in the home of my soul
And wealth from your hands in the home of my money
١٧. أنْبَتَ العِزُّ منكَ في بَيْتِ نَفْسِي
وَالغِنَى مِنْ يَدَيْكَ في بيتِ مالِي
18. And if you are a supporter of me in what
I hope for, that is the essence of my request
١٨. وإذا كنتَ نُصرَةً لِيَ فِيما
أَرْتَجِيهِ فَذَاكَ عَيْنُ سُؤَالِي