1. The people of piety and knowledge are people of happiness
So the brother of leadership, Ahmed bin Mohammed
١. أهلُ التُّقَى والعِلمِ أهلُ السُّؤْدُدِ
فأَخُو السِّيَادَةِ أحمدُ بنُ مُحَمَّدِ
2. The close companion, son of the close companion, son of the close companion
The sea of resolve, the master, son of the master
٢. الصاحبُ ابن الصاحب ابن الصاحب ال
حبْرُ الهُمَامُ السَّيِّدُ ابنُ السَّيِّدِ
3. Do not associate anyone with him in his description
For you would have contradicted every monotheist
٣. لا تُشْرِكَنَّ به امرأ في وَصْفِهِ
فتكونَ قد خالفْتَ كلَّ مُوَحِّدِ
4. The sun is rising so is there anyone who can see?
And the truth is evident so is there any guided one?
٤. الشَّمسُ طالعةٌ فهل من مُبْصِرٍ
والحَقُّ مُتَّضِحٌ فهل من مُهْتَدِي
5. Indeed the young man is the one whose soul
Was made virtuous by merit not the one who ruled others without merit
٥. إنَّ الفَتَى مَنْ سَوَّدَتْهُ نفْسُهُ
بالفضلِ لا مَنْ سادَ غيرَ مُسوَّدِ
6. And people differ in doctrines regarding the most high
And the chosen doctrine is the doctrine of Ahmed
٦. والناسُ مُخْتَلِفُوا المذاهِبِ في العُلا
والمَذْهَبُ المُخْتارُ مذْهَبُ أحمدِ
7. He fulfilled the rights of the knowledge of the ancients
And the later ones, with the fulfillment of one who does not deny
٧. وفَّى عُلومَ الأوّلين حُقوقَها
والآخِرِينَ وَفاءَ مَنْ لم يَجْحَدِ
8. It is as if he is the caliph of Adam among us
Or Adam if he had not been born
٨. فكأنَّه فينا خليفةُ آدمٍ
أوْ آدَمٌ لو أنَّهُ لم يُولَدِ
9. The knowledge of certainty allowed him to see with his eye
While the envious one saw him with blind eyes
٩. أفضَى به علْمُ اليَقِينِ لعَيْنِهِ
وَرَآهُ حَاسِدُهُ بعَيْنَيْ أَرْمَدِ
10. The veil has been lifted from him so he is not like a confused one
In his religion, hesitating in his matter
١٠. كُشِفَ الغِطَاءُ لهُ فليسَ كحائرٍ
في دينِهِ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ مُتَرَدّدِ
11. He used to judge matters with his knowledge
The truthful one testified to his justice or did not testify
١١. قد كانَ يَحكمُ في الأُمورِ بِعِلْمِهِ
شَهِدَ المُحقُّ لديْهِ أَمْ لم يَشْهَدِ
12. If he did not address us according to our mental capabilities
His knowledge would have come with what we are not accustomed to
١٢. لولا يُخاطِبُنَا بِقَدْرِ عُقُولِنَا
جَاءتْ معارفُهُ بما لم نَعْهَدِ
13. He inherited prophethood so let whoever aspires to the inheritance stand as he stood
Or else let him sit down
١٣. ورِثَ النُّبُوَّة فَلْيَقُم كَقِيامِهِ
مَنْ حَاوَلَ الميراثَ أَوْ فَلْيَقْعُدِ
14. His tongue is the cutting sword, the polished
And his eloquence is a turbulent, stormy sea
١٤. فلِسَانُهُ العَضْبُ الحُسامُ المَنْتَضَى
وَبَيَانُهُ بَحْرٌ خِضَمُّ المُزْبِدِ
15. And an insight into God whose light shines
And illuminates like a flaming star
١٥. وَبَصِيرَةٌ باللَّهِ يُشْرِقُ نورُها
ويُضِيءُ مثلَ الكَوْكَبِ المُتَوَقِّدِ
16. And manners the likes of which were never seen from one of his stature
So they came like heavy rain in the heart of a barren land
١٦. وخَلائِق ما شابَها مَنْ شانَها
فأتَتْ كماءِ المُزْنِ في قَلْبِ الصَّدِي
17. So for the door of the ornament of the faith, Ahmed, let one go
Who was not restricted by excuses
١٧. فَلِبَابِ زَيْنِ الدِّينِ أحمدَ فلْيَسِر
مَنْ كانَ بالأَعْذَار غيرَ مُقَيَّدِ
18. He is the Kaaba of virtue sought after
They attained the purpose from him without falling short
١٨. هوَ كعْبَةُ الفضلِ الذي قُصَّادُهُ
قد حَقَّقُوا منه بُلوغَ المَقْصِدِ
19. When I came to his noble side
I found the sea of generosity, the fresh water spring
١٩. لَمَّا وَرَدْتُ عَلَى كَرِيمِ جَنَابِهِ
فوَرَدْتُ بَحْرَ الْجُودِ عَذْبَ المَوْرِدِ
20. And I saw a face whose lights shone
And illuminated like the flaming star
٢٠. ورَأَيْتُ وَجْهَاً أَشْرَقَتْ أَنْوَارُهُ
فأَضَاءَ مثلَ الكوكَبِ المُتَوَقِّدِ
21. I turned away from frivolous talk and said: My
Praising of people, spare me for I am not for that
٢١. أعْرَضْتُ عَنْ لهْوِ الحَدِيثِ وقُلْتُ يا
مَدْحَ الوَرَى عنِّي فمَا أَنَا مِنْ دَدِ
22. And I decided one day to do the deed
That the best provision presented me for tomorrow
٢٢. وَعَزَمْتُ في يَوْمِي عَلَى العَمَلِ الّذي
ألقاهُ لي نعْمَ الذَّخيرةُ في غَدِ
23. Praise, if I implement my words in it
I will strive for the religion of guidance vigorously
٢٣. مَدْحٌ إذَا أعْمَلْتُ فيه مِقْوَلِي
جَاهَدْتُ عن دينِ الهُدَى بِمُهَنَّدِ
24. His knowledge will survive for him immortal mention
That there is none in the world immortalized
٢٤. أَبْقَى لهُ الذِّكْرَ المُخَلَّدَ عِلْمُهُ
أنْ ليس في الدُّنْيَا امرُؤٌ بِمُخَلَّدِ
25. So his hopes were spent by his existence
And he chose what never diminishes with God
٢٥. فَاسْتُنْفِدَتْ بوجودِهِ آمالُهُ
وَاخْتَارَ عندَ اللَّهِ ما لم يَنْفَدِ
26. The world was enamored with him but he chose its sister
Out of love, making asceticism appear desirable
٢٦. شُغِفَتْ بِهِ الدُّنْيَا وآثَرَ أُخْتَهَا
حُبَّاً فَأَوْهَمَ رَغْبَةً بِتَزَهُّدِ
27. His generosity came upon it as if
It had not been created for its amusement
٢٧. وأتى عليها جُودُه فكأَنّها
لهَوانِهَا في نفسه لم تُوجَدِ
28. So if you look to his objectives with it
It shows you the reality of the detached one
٢٨. فإذَا نَظَرْتَ إلى مقاصِدِهِ بهَا
أَبْدَتْ إليكَ حَقيقةَ المُتَجَرِّدِ
29. Obligated to what makes happy the one in need
In the little fortunate time
٢٩. كلِفٌ بمَا يَعْنِيهِ مِنْ إسعادِ ذِي ال
حَاجَاتِ في الزَّمَنِ القَليلِ المُسْعِدِ
30. He folds the garment of piety over his chest
And stays up late with eyes awake
٣٠. يَطْوِي مِنَ التَّقْوَى حَشَاهُ عَلَى الطَّوَى
وَيَبِيتُ سَهْرَانَاً مُقَضَّ المَرْقَدِ
31. And with his tears he washes two swollen
Eyes darkened with kohl
٣١. وَيَغُضُّ مِنْ مَغْسُولَتَيْنِ بِدَمْعِهِ
مَكْحُولَتَيْنِ مِنَ الظَّلامِ بإثْمِدِ
32. Rely on him in matters for he
Is suited for the stranger and home of the seeker
٣٢. عَوِّلَ عليه في الأُمورِ فإنَّهُ
أهلُ الغَرِيبِ وبَيْتُ مالِ المُجْتَدِي
33. And seek blessings from his prayers
Where the clouds of his comfort have settled gently
٣٣. وَاسْتَمْطِرِ البركاتِ مِنْ دَعَوَاتِهِ
حيث استقَلَّ سحَابُ راحَتِهِ النَّدِي
34. And listen to the inspiration of the mention that
Makes hearts blaze even if they were solid ice
٣٤. واسمعْ لِمَا يُوحَى مِنَ الذِّكْرِ الَّذِي
يُشْجِي القلوبَ لَوَ انَّها مِنْ جَلْمَدِ
35. The jewels of his words poured from an essence
Of pure piety like a sheathed sword
٣٥. صَدَرَتْ جَواهِرُ لفظِهِ مِنْ باطِنِ
صافِي التُّقَى مِثْلِ الحُسامِ الْمُغْمَدِ
36. I see him adorned with the magic of eloquence
By the hand of rhetoric yet he is unadorned
٣٦. فأراكَهُ سِحر البيانِ مُنَضَّدَاً
بِيَدِ البَلاغَةِ وَهْوَ غيرُ مُنَضَّدِ
37. Wearing the totality of speech that
The diligent scholar makes great efforts for
٣٧. مُتَحَلِّياً بِجَوَامِعِ الكَلِمِ التي
يُعْنَى بها حَدِبٌ عناءَ تَجَلُّدِ
38. So the story from him, when it comes to you, multiplied
In its meanings yet it is not multiplied
٣٨. فالقَصُّ منه إذا أتَاكَ تَعَدَّدَتْ
منه المعاني وَهْوَ غيرُ مُعَدَّدِ
39. Say to the exemplary imam in his knowledge
Whoever follows your opinion has succeeded
٣٩. قُلْ لِلإِمَامِ المُقْتَدَى بِعُلُومِهِ
قد فَازَ مَنْ أَضْحَى بِرَأْيِكَ يَقْتَدِي
40. O you who observes the rights of virtue
For the pleasure of merit not for boastfulness
٤٠. يَا مَنْ يُرَاعِي للفضيلةِ حَقَّهَا
لِتَلَذُّذٍ بِالفَضْلِ لا لِتَزَيُّدِ
41. You did not listen to the scholars except as
Suleiman listened to the words of the hoopoe
٤١. لمْ تُصْغِ لِلْعُلَمَاءِ إِلَّا مِثْلَمَا
أَصْغَى سُلَيْمَانٌ لِقَوْلِ الهُدْهُدِ
42. A group was amazed by your asceticism in leadership
So I amazed them, if one does not become an ascetic
٤٢. عَجِبَتْ لِزُهْدِكَ في الوزارةِ مَعْشَرٌ
فأَجَبْتُهُمْ عَجَباً إذَا لم يَزْهَدِ
43. What harm to a scholar if imams
Appointed him while he had no experience in positions
٤٣. ما ضَرَّ حبرَاً قَلَّدَتْهُ أَئِمَّةٌ
أَن لم يكنْ لِمَنَاصِبٍ بمُبَلَّدِ
44. And if he was named with the name of knowledge then do not ask
About the demeaning of a soul to the deepest nadir
٤٤. وإذا سما باسْمِ العلومِ فلا تَسَلْ
عَن حَطِّ نَفْس بالحَضِيضِ الأَوْهَدِ
45. Glory is only wisdom one is granted
The worth of each glorified one diminishes from it
٤٥. ما المَجْدُ إِلَّا حِكْمَةٌ أُولِيتَهَا
يَنْحَطُّ عنها قدر كلِّ ممجَّدِ
46. O position that cannot be reached by stairways
And leadership that cannot be bought with wealth
٤٦. يا رُتْبَةً لا تُرْتَقَى بِسَلالِمٍ
وسيادَةً ما تُشْتَرَى بالعَسْجَدِ
47. The best position is that for which eyes tire
And hands are not extended to it
٤٧. خيرُ المناصِبِ ما العُيُونُ كَلِيلَةٌ
عنه وما الأَيدِي له لمْ تُمْدَدِ
48. My Master, under you my praise is a dress
That will wear out from the days, all that renews
٤٨. مَوْلايَ دونَكَ مِنْ ثنائِي حُلَّةٌ
تُبْلِي مِنَ الأَيّامِ كلَّ مُجَدَّدِ
49. It has come hastily to you in an hour
That became fortunate in its rising even if unexpected
٤٩. جَاءَتْ مُسَارِعَةً إليكَ بِسَاعَةٍ
سَعِدَتْ مُطالِعَةً وإنْ لمْ تُرْصَدِ
50. The day of connection with loved ones is excellent
A day in which the hearts of enviers are cut off
٥٠. يَوْمُ اتِّصَالٍ بالأَحِبَّةِ حَبَّذا
يَوْمٌ به انْقَطَعَتْ قلوبُ الحُسَّدِ
51. No time was happier between Yusuf and what
Brought joy to Ahmed in Mohammed
٥١. ما سُيِّرَتْ ما بَيْنَ يوسُفَ مِثْلَمَا
قد سُرَّ فيه أَحْمَدٌ بِمُحَمَّدِ
52. O excellent, praise of the family of Mohammed
Without amorous verse for a slender gazelle
٥٢. يا حَبَّذا مَدْحٌ لآِلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
دونَ التَّغَزُّلِ في غَزَالٍ أَغْيَدِ
53. Indeed ever since I threw away praising you
Partial praise has not pleased me
٥٣. إنَّ الجَلالَةَ مُنْذُ رُمْتُ مَدِيحَكم
لم تَرْضَ لي ذكرَ الحِسَانِ الخُرَّدِ
54. So may God unite your leadership, our masters
The union of well-being in eternal bliss
٥٤. فاللَّهُ يَجْمَعُ شَمْلَكُمْ ساداتِنا
جَمْعَ السلامَةِ في نعيمٍ سَرْمَدِ