1. My praise for you, is it glorification or hymning?
Without you, praise would not forgive sins.
١. أمَدائِحٌ لِي فِيكَ أمْ تَسْبِيحُ
لوْلاكَ ما غَفَرَ الذنوبَ مَدِيحُ
2. I was told that my praises of Mustafa
Are atonement for me, and this is true.
٢. حُدِّثْتُ أنَّ مَدَائِحي فِي المصطفى
كفَّارَةٌ لِيَ وَالحَدِيثُ صَحِيحُ
3. Profit through the one whose praise you have guided,
Indeed the generous profits from the profited.
٣. أرْبِحْ بِمَنْ أهْدَى إليه ثَنَاءَهُ
إنَّ الكريمَ لَرَابِحٌ مَرْبُوحُ
4. O my soul, apart from you is the praise of Ahmad, it is
A perfume whose scent the spirit and soul have clung to.
٤. يا نَفْسُ دُونَكِ مَدْح أحْمَدَ إنَّهُ
مِسْكٌ تَمَسَّكَ ريحُهُ والرُّوحُ
5. Your greatest share of the remembrance whose
Fragrance emanates to its listeners.
٥. وَنَصِيبُكِ الأوْفَى مِنَ الذِّكْرِ الذي
منه العَبيرُ لِسَامِعِيهِ يَفوحُ
6. Indeed the Prophet Muhammad was from his Lord
Generously endowed with every virtue.
٦. إنَّ النبيَّ محمداً مِنْ رَبِّه
كَرَماً بكلِّ فضيلةٍ مَمْنُوحُ
7. God favored him and made great his worth,
So excellence and preference become him.
٧. اللَّهُ فَضَّلَهُ وَرَجَّحَ قَدْرَهُ
فَلْيَهْنِهِ التَّفْضيلُ وَالتَّرْجِيحُ
8. If he came after the messengers, his superiority
After him came Christ and Noah.
٨. إنْ جاءَ بعْدَ المُرسلينَ فَفَضْلُهُ
مِنْ بعدِه جاءَ المَسيحُ وَنُوحُ
9. They came with their revelation and he came with his revelation
As if he were a bright star amongst the stars.
٩. جاؤُوا بِوَحْيهِمُ وَجاءَ بِوَحْيِهِ
فكأنَّه بين الكواكبِ يُوحُ
10. How can a man limit it and define it
With words when it is the spirit of existence itself?
١٠. أنّى يُكَيِّفُها امرؤٌ وَيَحُدُّها
بالقولِ وهْيَ لِذَا الوُجُودِ الرُّوحُ
11. Some people rejected his testimony though they had
No criticism or rebuke against it.
١١. رَدتْ شهادَتَهُ أناسٌ ما لهمْ
طَعْنٌ عليه بها ولا تَجْرِيحُ
12. He certainly brought clear proofs
Had the observer of those who disobeyed been sound.
١٢. ولقدْ أتى بالبيّناتِ صَحِيحَة
لو أنَّ ناظِرَ مَنْ عصاهُ صحيحُ
13. They knew him with the recognition of certainty yet denied,
Indeed the wretched are impetuous to misery.
١٣. عَرَفُوهُ مَعْرِفَةَ اليَقِينِ وأنْكَرُوا
إنَّ الشَّقِيَّ إلى الشقاء جَموحُ
14. So he destroyed those who showed defiance to him
For the sword from the hardship of dissent is a relief.
١٤. فأَبَادَ مَنْ أبْدَى مُخَالَفَة لهُ
فالسَّيْفُ مِنْ تَعَبِ الخِلافِ قَرِيحُ
15. The darkness of injustice receded when
Parchments and sheets flowed to him.
١٥. وَجَلا ظلامَ الظُّلْمِ لَمَّا أوْمَضَتْ
وَمَضَتْ لديْه صحائفٌ وَصَفيحُ
16. Two things dispel misguidance apart from them:
An outpouring light or spilled blood.
١٦. شيئانِ لا يَنْفِي الضلالَ سِواهُما
نُورٌ مُفاضٌ أوْ دَمٌ مَسْفُوحُ
17. Strange that they deny prophecy
Though Adam's spirit was not yet breathed.
١٧. عَجَباً لَهُم لِم يُنْكِرُونَ نُبُوَّةً
ثَبَتَتْ وَلم يُنْفَخْ بآدَمَ رُوحُ
18. Why should I busy myself with rebuking them as though I
Were a fault-finder amongst the sects?
١٨. ما لي اشْتَغَلْتُ بِزَجْرِهِمْ فكأنني
بينَ الطَّوائفِ طارقٌ مَنْبُوحُ
19. Do not fatigue a heart tomorrow with mention of them
And find solace for it in mentioning Muhammad.
١٩. لا تُتْعِبَنَّ بِذِكْرِهِمْ قَلْبَاً غَدا
ولهُ بِذِكْرِ مُحمَّدٍ تَرْوِيحُ
20. Spread the accounts of the Prophet for all you
Relay of the news of the Beloved is beautiful.
٢٠. وَانْشُرْ أحاديثَ النَّبيِّ فكلُّ ما
تَرْوِيهِ مِنْ خَبَرِ الحَبيبِ مَليحُ
21. And mention his virtues whose expressions
The heavens and tablets fell short of containing.
٢١. وَاذكُر مَناقِبَه الَّتي أَلفاظُها
ضَاقَ الفضاءُ بِذِكرِها وَاللوحُ
22. Are you astonished that the cloud became a sign
For Muhammad, going early and returning?
٢٢. أَعَجبتَ أنْ غَدَتِ الغمامةُ آيَةً
لِمُحَمَّدٍ يَغْدُو بها وَيَرُوحُ
23. Or that horses came to him obediently
As if orchards came to meadows?
٢٣. أو أن أتَتْ سَرْحٌ إليه مُطِيعَةً
فكأَنَّما أتَتِ الرِّياضَ سُرُوحُ
24. And for the spring whose aid brought relief
The pebbles flowed to it praising.
٢٤. ولِمَنْبَعِ المَاءِ المَعِينِ براحَةٍ
رَاح الحَصَى وَلهُ بها تَسْبيحُ
25. Or that a withered trunk inclined
Longingly, complaining of its affliction and grieving,
٢٥. أوْ أنْ يحِنَّ إليه جِذْعٌ يابِسٌ
شَوْقاً وَيَشْكُو بَثَّهُ وَيَنُوحُ
26. Until the Prophet drew near to it and whoever drew near to him
Melancholy distanced from his heart?
٢٦. حتى دَنا منه النبيُّ وَمَنْ دَنا
منه نأَى عَنْ قَلْبِهِ التَّبْريحُ
27. And that the arm spoke to him - how then could it not
Unburden its secret and confide to him?
٢٧. وَبأنْ يُكَلِّمَهُ الذِّرَاعُ وكيفَ لا
يُفْضِي إليه بِسِرِّهِ وَيَبُوحُ
28. And that the blind could see, and the stick turned
Into a sword, and the dead lived though prone?
٢٨. وَبِأنْ يَرَى الأعْمَى وَتَنْقَلِبَ العَصا
سَيْفاً وَيَحْيا المَيتُ وهْوَ طَرِيحُ
29. And that people gained succor through him though they had complained
Of a place on the earth that had become barren for them?
٢٩. وَبأنْ يُغاثَ الناسَ فيه وقد شكَوْا
مَحْلاً لِوَجْهِ الأرضِ منه كُلُوحُ
30. And that a spring overflowed fresh water for him
Though its water had once been bitter and foul?
٣٠. وَبأنْ يَفِيضَ لهُ وَيَعْذُبَ مَنْهَلٌ
قَدْ كانَ مُرَّاً ماؤُه المَنْزُوحُ
31. O coolness for parched livers which
The meadow of Muhammad's illumination quenched!
٣١. يا بَرْدَ أَكْبادٍ أصابَ عِطاشَها
ماءٌ بِريق مُحَمَّدٍ مَجْدُوحُ
32. May God send blessings upon him, indeed His blessings
Are rain dispelling the illnesses of sins.
٣٢. صَلّى عليه اللَّهُ إنَّ صَلاتَهُ
غَيْثٌ لِعِلَّاتِ الذُّنوبِ مُزِيحُ
33. He traveled by night with his body so it was as if
He were a hero riding Al-Buraq with haste.
٣٣. أسْرَى الإله بِجِسْمِهِ فكأنهُ
بَطَلٌ عَلَى مَتنِ البُرَاق مُشِيحُ
34. He drew near so no hopeful hand stretched
Greedily, no eye looked to Him aspiringly,
٣٤. وَدَنَا فلا يَدُ آمِلٍ مُمْتَدَّةٌ
طَمَعَاً وَلا طَرْفٌ إليهِ طَموحُ
35. Until God revealed to him what
He revealed, and the time to return drew near.
٣٥. حتى إذا أوْحَى إِلَيهِ اللَّه ما
أَوحى وحانَ إِلى الرُّجوع جُنوحُ
36. Al-Buraq returned with him, and his garment of leather
Was perfumed that night with his bashfulness.
٣٦. عادَ البُراقُ بهِ وَثَوْبُ أديمِهِ
لَيْلاً بماء حَيائِه مَنْضوحُ
37. So leave the devils who disbelieved in him
Suggesting to them whatever they may suggest.
٣٧. فَذَرُوا شَياطِينَ الأُلى كَفَرُوا به
يُوحُوا إليهم ما عسَى أنْ يُوحوا
38. By God, their alleged ambiguities about him
Are but as the convulsions of the slaughtered.
٣٨. تاللَّهِ ما الشُّبُهاتُ مِنْ أَقوالِهِمْ
إِلَّا كما يَتَحَرَّكُ المَذْبُوحُ
39. What comparison between a body whose movements
Are animated by a spirit, and wood the wind sways?
٣٩. كمْ بَيْنَ جِسْمٍ عَدَّلَتْ حَرَكَاته
رُوحٌ وَعُودٍ مَيَّلَتْهُ الرِّيحُ
40. The Prophet Muhammad and his knowledge -
Perfection and imperfections were not yet recognized.
٤٠. وَلا النَبيُّ مُحَمَّدٌ وَعُلُومُه
لَمْ يُعْرَفِ التَّحْسِينُ وَالتَّقْبِيحُ
41. God entrusted affairs to him so none but him
Could undertake or relinquish.
٤١. عَقَدَ الإلهُ به الأُمورَ فَلَمْ يَكُنْ
لِسِواهُ إمْسَاكٌ وَلا تَسريحُ
42. Those who deified their rabbis went astray
To prohibit, permit, and legitimize.
٤٢. ضَلَّ الَّذينَ تَأَلَّهوا أحبَارهم
ليُحَرِّمُوا وَيُحَلِّلُوا وَيُبِيحُوا
43. O chosen nation, you have been compensated
For what you suffered, and the afflicted are disgraced.
٤٣. يا أمَّةَ المُختار قَدْ عُوفِيتُمُ
مما ابْتُلُوا وَالمُبْتَلَى مَفضوحُ
44. So receive good tidings of God's trade with you
In it the scale of loyalty is weighty.
٤٤. فاسْتَبْشِرُوا بِشِرا الإِله وَبَيْعِكمْ
منه فميزانُ الوفاءِ رَجِيحُ
45. And make up for the price of your souls through guidance
For through guidance the price of souls profits.
٤٥. وتَعَوَّضوا ثَمَنَ النُّفوس مِنَ الهدَى
فمِنَ الهُدَى ثَمَنُ النُّفَوسِ رَبِيحُ
46. O You whose treasuries of generosity are full,
Generosity, whose door of giving is open!
٤٦. يا منْ خَزَائِنُ جُودِهِ مملوءَةٌ
كَرَماً وبابُ عطائِه مَفْتُوحُ
47. We call on You in poverty and need,
And Your favor is ample to pardon transgressors.
٤٧. نَدْعُوكَ عَنْ فَقْرٍ إليكَ وحاجَةٍ
وَمَجَالُ فضلِكَ لِلْعُفَاةِ فَسِيحُ
48. So pardon the sinful servant out of generosity,
The generous pardons the sinner.
٤٨. فاصْفَحْ عَنِ العَبْدِ المُسِيءِ تَكَرُّماً
إنَّ الكريمَ عَنِ المُسِيءِ صَفُوحُ
49. Accept the Messenger of God's apology for the deficient,
He through Your praise of the praised reaches sufficiency.
٤٩. وَاقبلْ رسولَ اللَّهِ عُذرَ مُقَصِّرٍ
هُوَ إنْ قَبِلْتَ بِمَدْحِكَ المَمْدُوحُ
50. Roaming in every valley of Your attributes, swimming
In every sea of Your bounty.
٥٠. فِي كلِّ وَادٍ مِنْ صِفَاتِكَ هائمٌ
وَبِكلِّ بَحْرٍ مِنْ نَدَاكَ سَبُوحُ
51. He finds rest if the Sanctuary and its stones are mentioned,
And seeing You, and Your bush, and creeper.
٥١. يَرْتاحُ إنْ ذُكِرَ الحِمَى وعَقِيقه
وأراكُه وثُمامُه والشِّيحُ
52. Yearning for a holy precinct, blessed and secure,
Its meadow and tomb perfumed through that.
٥٢. شَوْقاً إلى حَرَمٍ بَطَيْبَةَ آمِنٍ
طَابَتْ بذلكَ رَوْضَةٌ وضرِيحُ
53. I hope that through its nearness
My eye will find rest, and my wounded heart consoled.
٥٣. إني لأرْجُو أنْ تَقَرَّ بِقُرْبِهِ
عَيْني ويُؤْسَى قَلْبِيَ المَجْرُوحُ
54. So delight an eye whose lids
Have been stained with its tears until the watcher sees.
٥٤. فاكْحَلْ بِطيْفٍ منه طَرْفاً جَفْنُه
بِدُمُوعِهِ حتى يَرَاهُ قَرِيحُ
55. God has granted me a love for you in which
My heart is miserly to all but you.
٥٥. فلقدْ حَباني اللَّهُ فيكَ مَحَبَّةً
قَلبي بها إلا عليكَ شَحِيحُ
56. May His prayers and peace upon you last,
Their ardor accompanied at your side by the zealous.
٥٦. دَامَتْ عَلَيك صلاتُه وسلامُه
يَتْلُو غَبُوقَهُمَا لَدَيْكَ صبُوحُ
57. No blooming flowers smile, no pouring clouds weep,
As long as the horizons of meadows burst forth.
٥٧. ما افْتَرَّ ثغْرٌ للأَزاهِرِ أَشْنَب
وانْهَلَّ دَمْعٌ للسَّحَابِ سَفُوحُ