
In praise of Mustafa, hearts come alive,

بمدح المصطفى تحيا القلوب

1. In praise of Mustafa, hearts come alive,
Sins and misdeeds are forgiven,

١. بِمَدْحِ المصطفى تَحيا القلوبُ
وَتُغْتَفَرُ الخطايا وَالذُّنوبُ

2. And I hope through him to live happily,
And find him, no troubles upon me.

٢. وَأَرْجُو أن أعِيشَ به سعيداً
وَأَلقاهُ وَليس عَلَيَّ حُوبُ

3. A prophet perfect in every trait,
His virtues made him the Beloved,

٣. نبيٌّ كامل الأوصافِ تَمَّتْ
محاسِنُه فقيل له الحبيبُ

4. Remembrance of him relieves our sorrows,
When misfortunes descend upon us.

٤. يُفَرِّجُ ذِكْرُهُ الكُرُباتِ عنا
إذا نَزَلَتْ بساحَتِنا الكُروبُ

5. His praises increase the heart's longing,
As if they were adornment and perfume,

٥. مدائحُه تَزيدُ القَلْبَ شَوْقاً
إليه كأنها حَلْيٌ وَطيبُ

6. I remember him when darkest night looms,
My worries then begin to disperse.

٦. وَأَذْكُرُهُ وَلَيْلُ الخَطْبِ داجٍ
عَلَيَّ فَتَنْجَلِي عني الخُطوبُ

7. I described some of his beautiful traits,
Not knowing if I praise or relate ancestry,

٧. وَصَفْتُ شمائلاً منه حِسَاناً
فما أدري أمدحٌ أمْ نَسيبُ

8. Who can I see smiling from him,
Gladdening the grieving heart.

٨. وَمَنْ لي أنْ أرى منه مُحَيّاً
يُسَرُّ بحسنِهِ القلْبُ الكئِيبُ

9. As if his words are fresh blossoms,
Borne by branches of sweetest scent,

٩. كأنَّ حديثَه زَهْرٌ نَضِيرٌ
وَحاملَ زَهْرِهِ غُصْنٌ رَطيبُ

10. My eye for seeing him yearns,
My heart for his mention leaps.

١٠. ولِي طَرْفٌ لِمَرْآهُ مَشوقٌ
وَلِي قلبٌ لِذِكْراهُ طَرُوبُ

11. He took position of two bow lengths apart,
No intruder or watcher was there,

١١. تَبَوَّأَ قابَ قوْسَيْنِ اخْتصاصاً
وَلا وَاشٍ هناكَ وَلا رقيبُ

12. His prophetic positions, none other attained,
No human or angel any share.

١٢. مَناصِبُه السَّنِيَّةُ ليسَ فيها
لإِنسانٍ وَلا مَلَكٍ نَصِيبُ

13. A heart expansive, the universe too narrow,
For all that chest contained, so very vast,

١٣. رَحِيبُ الصَّدْرِ ضاقَ الكَوْنُ عما
تَضَمَّنَ ذلك الصدْرُ الرحيبُ

14. In sitting or standing he renews for me,
My fervor, the teacher, and preacher.

١٤. يُجَدِّدُ في قُعودٍ أوْ قِيامٍ
له شَوْقِي المُدَرِّسُ وَالخَطيبُ

15. To people he gives knowledge apportioned,
As a doctor gives medicines appropriate,

١٥. عَلَى قَدَرٍ يُمِدُّ الناسَ عِلْماً
كما يُعطِيك أَدْوِيَةً طبيبُ

16. Hearts seek light guided by him,
As the lost seeks the sea to navigate.

١٦. وَتَسْتَهْدِي القلوبُ النُّورَ منه
كما اسْتَهْدَى مِنَ البَحْرِ القَلِيبُ

17. Through him suns of knowledge appeared,
Dawns that do not set or disappear,

١٧. بَدَتْ للناسِ منه شُموسُ عِلْمٍ
طَوالِعَ ما تَزُولُ وَلا تَغِيبُ

18. Taught us piety, cleaving for us,
What was veiled by darkness and fear.

١٨. وَأَلْهَمَنا به التَّقْوَى فَشَقَّتْ
لنا عمَّا أَكَنَّتْهُ الغُيُوبُ

19. His nature, gifts without any effort,
Far apart gifts and any earnings,

١٩. خلائِقُهُ مَوَاهِبُ دُونَ كِسْبٍ
وشَتَّانَ المَوَاهِبُ وَالكُسُوبُ

20. Refined by God's light, nothing like,
Morals disciplined by an adroit human.

٢٠. مُهَذَّبَةٌ بنورِ اللَّهِ ليستْ
كأخلاقٍ يُهَذِّبُهَا اللَّبِيبُ

21. Manners of prophethood, miracles they are,
How can an elegant man acquire them?

٢١. وَآدابُ النُّبُوَّةِ مُعجزاتٌ
فكيف يَنالُها الرجُلُ الأديبُ

22. Pure of blood and placenta they came,
Just like pure milk they were.

٢٢. أبيْنَ مِنَ الطِّباعِ دَماً وَفَرْثاً
وَجاءت مثلَ ما جَاءَ الحليبُ

23. We heard revelation explicit from him,
Like a maiden aloof in her tent,

٢٣. سَمِعْنَا الوَحْيَ مِنْ فِيه صريحاً
كغادِيَةٍ عَزَالِيهَا تَصُوبُ

24. No word or deed with any dishonor,
Or desire tainted they present.

٢٤. فلا قَوْلٌ وَلا عَمَلٌ لَدَيْهَا
بفاحِشَةٍ وَلا بِهَوىً مَشُوبُ

25. By passions, pursuits and creeds differ,
Peoples and sects divide and separate,

٢٥. وَبالأهواءِ تَخْتَلِفُ المساعي
وَتَفْتَرِقُ المذاهِب وَالشُّعوبُ

26. When that rain became a torrent in flood,
The strange foam rose over it great.

٢٦. ولَما صار ذاك الغَيْثُ سَيْلاً
علاهُ مِنَ الثَّرَى الزَّبَدُ الغَرِيبُ

27. Do not ascribe any doubt to God's word,
In your Lord's word no cause for distrust,

٢٧. فلا تَنْسُبْ لِقَوْلِ اللَّهِ رَيْباً
فما فِي قولِ رَبِّكَ ما يُرِيبُ

28. If enemies impute faults unto him,
The dispraise of critics is the fault.

٢٨. فإنْ تَخْلُقْ لهُ الأعداءُ عَيباً
فَقَوْلُ العَائِبِينَ هو المَعيبُ

29. Differing from Moses and Jesus' nations,
None of them to their Creator humbly bowed,

٢٩. فَخالِفْ أُمَّتَيْ موسى وَعيسى
فما فيهمْ لخالِقِهِ مُنِيبُ

30. Some worshipped the calf, astray they went,
Others were tried by the crucifix.

٣٠. فَقَوْمٌ منهم فُتِنُوا بِعِجْلٍ
وَقَوْماً منهم فَتَنَ الصَّليبُ

31. Rabbis say he has a resemblance,
Monks say for him there is a substitute,

٣١. وَأَحْبارٌ تَقُولُ لَهُ شَبِيهٌ
وَرُهْبَانٌ تَقُولُ لَهُ ضَرِيبُ

32. Muhammad is truly a messenger of truth,
Self-sufficient in his prophecy and lineage.

٣٢. وَإِنَّ محمداً لرَسولُ حَقٍّ
حَسيبٌ في نُبُوَّتِهِ نَسِيبُ

33. Trustworthy, truthful, righteous, devout,
Knowledgeable, glorious, guiding and passionate,

٣٣. أمينٌ صادِقٌ بَرٌّ تَقِيٌّ
عليمٌ ماجِدٌ هادٌ وَهُوبُ

34. He shows you in pleasure and anger a face,
Radiance and frowns with it alternate.

٣٤. يُرِيكَ عَلَى الرِّضَا وَالسُّخْطِ وَجْهاً
تَرُوقُ به البَشَاشَةُ وَالقُطوبُ

35. By his face the prayer niche illuminates at night,
In daylight by it darkness dissipates,

٣٥. يُضِيءُ بِوَجْهِهِ المِحْرَابُ لَيْلاً
وَتُظْلِمُ في النهارِ به الحُروبُ

36. He surpasses all prophets preceding,
As the noble hero is prominent.

٣٦. تَقَدَّمَ مَنْ تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ نَبِيٍّ
نماهُ وهكذا البَطَلُ النَّجِيبُ

37. They gave him success as a child,
Youths and elders of disbelievers bore witness,

٣٧. وصَدَّقَهُ وحَكَّمَهُ صَبيّاً
مِنَ الكُفَّارِ شُبَّانٌ وشِيبُ

38. But when he came to them with the truth they turned away,
Amazing, the disbelief of them.

٣٨. فلما جاءهم بالحقِّ صَدُّوا
وصَدُّ أُولئك العَجَبُ العَجيبُ

39. His way is a straight path,
No difficult detours trouble us,

٣٩. شريعتُهُ صراطٌ مُستقيمٌ
فليسَ يَمَسُّنَا فيها لُغوبُ

40. Hold fast to it, for it has a book,
At which hearts gaze enviously.

٤٠. عليكَ بها فإنَّ لها كِتاباً
عليه تَحْسُدُ الحَدقَ القلوبُ

41. It supersedes past scriptures,
None can supersede it anytime,

٤١. يَنُوبُ لها عَنِ الكُتبِ المَوَاضي
ولَيْسَتْ عنه في حالٍ تَنُوبُ

42. Did you not see him challenging openly,
None responding with clear proof?

٤٢. ألَمْ تَرَهُ يُنَادِي بالتَّحَدِّي
ولا أحدٌ بِبَيِّنَةٍ يُجِيبُ

43. The beautiful covering was unveiled for us by him,
Secrets of beauty by him disclosed,

٤٣. وَقد كَشَفَ الغِطَاءَ لنا وشُقَّتْ
عَنِ الحُسْنِ البَدِيعِ به جُيوبُ

44. The moon split open in witness to him,
Mountains and beasts spoke eloquently.

٤٤. وَدَانَ البَدْرُ مُنْشَقّاً إليه
وأَفْصَحَ ناطِقاً عَيْرٌ وَذيبُ

45. The palm trunk inclined toward him affectionately,
Responding to his call dutifully,

٤٥. وَجِذْعُ النَّخْلِ حَنَّ حَنِينَ ثَكْلَى
لهُ فأَجابهُ نِعْمَ المُجِيبُ

46. Branches of trees prostrated to him,
Why doesn’t the fledgling believe certainly?

٤٦. وَقد سَجَدَتْ لهُ أَغصانُ سَرْحٍ
فلِمْ لا يؤْمِنُ الظَّبْيُ الرَّبِيبُ

47. Many a supplication made grants wishes,
The barren land quakes by them movingly,

٤٧. وَكمْ مِنْ دَعْوَةٍ في المَحْلِ منها
رَبَتْ وَاهْتَزَّتِ الأرضُ الجَدِيبُ

48. An army was fed by the milk of a sheep,
Returning them to prosperous living.

٤٨. وَروَّى عَسْكَراً بِحليبِ شاةٍ
فعاوَدَهُم بهِ العَيْشُ الخصيبُ

49. An insane man came to him and regained sanity,
We did not have to tailor robes for him,

٤٩. وَمَخْبولٌ أتاهُ فثابَ عَقْلٌ
إليه وَلمْ نَخلْهُ له يثُوبُ

50. No brackish water was met but turned sweet,
Improved in taste instantly.

٥٠. وما ماءٌ تَلَقَّى وهْوَ مِلْحٌ
أُجاجٌ طَعْمُهُ إِلَّا يَطِيبُ

51. An eye lost sight but returned seeing,
As it was before, vision restored completely,

٥١. وعينٌ فارقَتْ نظراً فعادت
كما كانتْ ورُدَّ لها السَّليبُ

52. A dead town crier devoid of spirit,
Was revived, concerns for him dispelled.

٥٢. ومَيْتٌ مُؤْذِنٌ بِفِرَاقِ رُوحٍ
أَقامَ وسُرِّيَتْ عنه شعُوبُ

53. The mouth of one aged an extremely long life,
Passed away while youthfulness persisted,

٥٣. وثَغْرُ مُعَمِّرٍ عُمراً طويلاً
تُوُفّي وهوَ مَنْضُودٌ شَنيبُ

54. Palm trees fruited in less than a year,
Amazing the hardy old palms.

٥٤. وَنَخْلٌ أَثْمَرَتُ في دُونِ عامٍ
فَغَارَ بها عَلَى القِنْوِ العَسيبُ

55. Solomon paid off debts that burdened him,
None but he could pay such amounts,

٥٥. وَوفّى منهُ سَلْمانٌ دُيُوناً
عليه ما يُوفِّيها جَرِيبُ

56. From palm branches he fashioned a sword,
Called Saber although branches were plaited.

٥٦. وَجَرَّدَ مِنْ جَرِيدِ النَّخْلِ سَيْفاً
فقِيلَ بِذَاكَ لِلسَّيْفِ القَضِيبُ

57. Thabir smiled with joy at the news,
Swaying as if a branch in the wind,

٥٧. وهَزَّ ثَبِير عِطْفَيْهِ سُروراً
به كالغُصْنِ هَبَّتْهُ الجَنُوبُ

58. He repelled the elephants and their armies,
Birds and winds they could not withstand.

٥٨. ورَدَّ الفيلَ والأحزابَ طَيْرٌ
وريحٌ ما يُطاقُ لها هُبُوبُ

59. A horseman was defeated by water and fire,
The water receded and flames extinguished,

٥٩. وَفارِس خانها ماءٌ ونارٌ
فغِيضَ الماءُ وانطَفأَ اللَّهيبُ

60. He brandished his sword at the people of Aad,
A day when strong winds felled them.

٦٠. وَقد هَزَّ الحسامَ عليه عادٍ
بِيَوْمٍ نَوْمُه فيه هُبوبُ

61. The Prophet advanced with sword drawn,
Raiding the sleeping enemy boldly,

٦١. فقامَ المصطفى بالسيفِ يَسْطو
عَلَى السَّاطي به وَلهُ وثُوبُ

62. Abu Jahl's camel bellowed at him,
In place of shouts, groans emitted.

٦٢. وَرِيعَ لهُ أبو جهلٍ بِفَحْلٍ
يَنُوبُ عَنِ الهِزَبْرِ لهُ نُيُوبُ

63. Fiery meteors were launched as guards,
Burning trails etched into the dark gloom,

٦٣. وَشُهْبٌ أُرْسِلَتْ حَرَساً فخُطَّتْ
عَلَى طِرسِ الظَّلامِ بها شُطوبُ

64. I have not seen miracles like his mention,
Every person of heart rushes to him.

٦٤. وَلَمْ أَرَ مُعجزاتٍ مِثْلَ ذِكْرٍ
إليه كلُّ ذِي لُبٍّ يُنيبُ

65. His signs cannot be counted in number,
My pursuits cannot attain their limit,

٦٥. وما آياتُه تُحْصَى بِعَدٍّ
فَيُدْرِكَ شَأْوَها مني طَلوبُ

66. I attempted to count waves of an ocean,
Its pouring rain never ceases to give.

٦٦. طَفِقْتُ أعُدُّ منها مَوْجَ بَحْرٍ
وَقَطْراً غَيْثُهُ أَبَداً يَصُوبُ

67. Its clouds bestow while never dissipating,
Its sea surges while never depleted,

٦٧. يَجُودُ سَحابُهُنَّ وَلا انْقِشَاعٌ
وَيَزْخَرُ بَحْرُهُنَّ وَلا نُضُوبُ

68. Separation from his lightning flashes pains you,
His piercing pearls barrage you.

٦٨. فَراقَكَ مِنْ بَوَارِقِها وَمِيضٌ
وَشاقَكَ مِنْ جَوَاهِرِها رُسوبُ

69. A prophet guided us to God through them,
If his merits are recounted, types abound,

٦٩. هدانا للإِلهِ بها نَبيٌّ
فضائِله إذا تُحْكَى ضُروبُ

70. He informed his successors of unseen matters,
Nothing he predicts is faulted or unreliable.

٧٠. وأَخبَرَ تابِعِيهِ بِغائِباتٍ
وَلَيسَ بِكائِن عنهُ معيبُ

71. He did not write the book nor recite it,
That faultfinders in his message doubt,

٧١. ولا كَتَبَ الكتابَ وَلا تَلاه
فيُلْحِدَ في رسالته المُريبُ

72. Through him they gained honor over past nations,
All of them persons of repute.

٧٢. وَقد نالوا عَلَى الأُمم المَوَاضي
به شَرَفاً فكلُّهُمُ حَسيبُ

73. None of their leaders compares to our commander,
Nor any of their prominent ones to our champion,

٧٣. وما كأميرِنا فيهم أميرٌ
ولا كنقِيبِنا لهمُ نقيبُ

74. As if for them our scholar was a prophet,
Creation responds to his call dutifully.

٧٤. كأَنَّ عليمَنا لهمُ نبيٌّ
لدعوتِهِ الخلائقُ تستجيبُ

75. Obligations were prescribed for us,
More difficult than their supererogations,

٧٥. وَقد كتِبَتْ علينا واجباتٌ
أَشَدُّ عليهمُ منها النُّدوبُ

76. Burdens are not multiplied,
Except when necks or hearts have hardened.

٧٦. وما تَتَضاعفُ الأغلالُ إِلَّا
إذا قَسَتِ الرِّقابُ أوِ القلوبُ

77. When the disbelievers were Stubborn,
The sword arbitrated decisively,

٧٧. ولما قيلَ للكفارِ خُشْبٌ
تَحَكَّمَ فيهمُ السيفُ الخشِيبُ

78. They alleged examples of donkeys,
While each of us equals a thousand of them.

٧٨. حَكَوْا في ضَرْبِ أَمثلةٍ حَمِيرا
فواحِدُنا لأَلفِهِمُ ضَرُوبُ

79. Our scholars are nothing but swords,
Polished, no setting suns for them,

٧٩. وما عُلَماؤُنا إلا سُيوفٌ
مَواضٍ لا تُفَلُّ لها غُروبُ

80. Stalwarts, none among them complained,
Of a fateful day, ominous and grim.

٨٠. سَراةٌ لم يَقُلْ منهم سَرِيٌّ
لِيَوْمِ كَرِيهَةٍ يومٌ عَصيبُ

81. Clear water tempted them not,
Nor fertile pastureland's appeal,

٨١. وَلَمْ يَفْتِنْهُمُ ماءٌ نَمِيرٌ
مِنَ الدنيا ولا مَرْعىً خصيبُ

82. No eyelids slumbered nights for them,
No gentle winds caressed them to sleep.

٨٢. ولم تُغْمَضْ لهمْ ليلاً جُفونٌ
ولا أَلِفَتْ مَضاجِعَها جُنُوبُ

83. Every fiery spirited son of Heyja,
Yearns for skulls like a lover held dear,

٨٣. يَشُوقُكَ منهمُ كلُّ ابنِ هَيْجَا
عَلَى اللَّأواء مَحْبُوبٌ مَهيبُ

84. From the she-wolf's fang his palm is stained,
From her blood his hand rubicund appears.

٨٤. له مِنْ نَقْعِهَا طَرْفٌ كَحِيل
ومِنْ دَمِ أُسْدِها كَفٌّ خَضِيبُ

85. Squadrons pour forth when he attacks,
Like the sliding sand dune flows the brave,

٨٥. وتنهالُ الكتائبُ حينَ يَهْوِي
إليها مثلَ ما انهال الكثيبُ

86. To the paths of death through him,
Marches perpetually the creeping ant.

٨٦. على طُرُقِ القَنا للموْتِ منه
إلى مُهجِ العِدا أبدا دَبيبُ

87. He aims for the lofty summits against the foe,
Returning plundered, devoid of robes,

٨٧. يُقَصِّدُ في العِدا سُمْرَ العَوالي
فيَرْجِعُ وهْوَ مسلوبٌ سَلوبُ

88. His onslaughts like necklaces with continuity,
Nothing but war interrupts the stream.

٨٨. ذَوابِلُ كالعُقُودِ لها اطّرادٌ
فليسَ يَشُوقُها إلَّا التَّرِيبُ

89. Before his spear the Byzantine cowers,
Whenever he confirms it is the crucifix,

٨٩. يَخِرُّ لِرُمْحِهِ الرُّومِيُّ أنَّى
تَيَقَّنَ أنه العُودُ الصَّليبُ

90. He reddens his sword in the napes,
Fearing it would be said of it, faded.

٩٠. ويَخْضِبُ سَيْفَهُ بِدَمِ النَّواصي
مَخَافَةَ أنْ يُقالَ به مَشِيبُ

91. By night his tear never dries,
His heart concealed from all that's hidden,

٩١. له في الليلِ دَمْعٌ ليسَ يَرْقا
وقلبٌ ما يَغِبُّ له وجِيبُ

92. Messenger of God, the plea of one remorseful,
His conscience for shortcomings perturbed.

٩٢. رسولَ اللَّهِ دعوةَ مُستقيلٍ
مِنَ التقصيرِ خاطِرُهُ هَيُوبُ

93. He apologized for old age though vigorous,
The chill of youth still pounding within,

٩٣. تَعَذَّرَ في المَشِيبِ وكانَ عَيَّاً
وَبُرْدُ شبابِهِ ضافٍ قشيبُ

94. No reproach to one who rose to laud,
Virtues with no flaws next to them.

٩٤. ولا عَتْبٌ على مَن قامَ يَجْلو
محاسِنَ لا تُرَى معها عيوبُ

95. You called on him in every dilemma that pained,
In every misfortune that struck recurrently,

٩٥. دَعاك لكلِّ مُعْضِلةٍ أَلَمَّتْ
به ولكلِّ نائبةٍ تَنُوبُ

96. For every sin whose darkness on earth narrowed,
Though its expanse was so very vast.

٩٦. وللذَّنبِ الذي ضاقَتْ عليه
به الدنيا وجانبُها رَحِيبُ

97. He observes what his hands have earned,
Weeping over it as the watcher weeps,

٩٧. يُراقِبُ منه ما كَسَبَتْ يَداه
فيَبْكيه كما يَبْكي الرَّقوبُ

98. How can a disobedient one be guided aright,
When every major sin he blithely leaps?

٩٨. وأَنى يهتدي للرُّشدِ عاصٍ
لِغارِبِ كلِّ مَعصِيَةٍ ركوبُ

99. His tongue repents from every sin,
But his heart from it does not repent,

٩٩. يَتوبُ لِسانُهُ عَنْ كلِّ ذَنْبٍ
وَلم يَرَ قلبهُ منه يَتُوبُ

100. Your gifts request of him eulogy,
And praise most befits the benevolent.

١٠٠. تَقَاضَتْهُ مواهِبُكَ امْتِدَاحاً
وَأَوْلَى الناسِ بالمَدْحِ الوَهُوبُ

101. I am tempted by the call to propose,
Incumbent upon me always is his command,

١٠١. وَأغْراني به داعِي اقْتِراحٍ
عَلَيَّ لأَمْرِهِ أبَدَاً وُجُوبُ

102. I said to the one encouraging me in it,
Perhaps in his love you and I have a bond.

١٠٢. فقلتُ لِمَنْ يَحُضُّ عَلَيَّ فيه
لعلَّك في هواه لِي نَسيبُ

103. You have directed my heart to passion,
So my arrow and your arrow both hit their mark,

١٠٣. دَلَلْتَ عَلَى الهَوَى قلبي فَسَهْمِي
وَسَهْمُكَ في الهَوَى كلٌّ مُصيبُ

104. By Mustafa's generosity our hands extend,
No hands extended to him are disappointed.

١٠٤. لجودٍ المصطفى مُدَّتْ يَدانا
وَما مُدَّتْ لهُ أَيْدٍ تَخِيبُ

105. His intercession for us and every sinner,
Is proportional to the extent of sins,

١٠٥. شفاعَتُهُ لنا ولكلِّ عاصٍ
بِقَدْرِ ذُنوبِهِ منها ذَنوبُ

106. He is pouring rain, dew and knowledge,
I was ignorant, and who is pouring rain?

١٠٦. هُوَ الغَيْثُ السَّكُوبَ نَدىً وعِلْماً
جَهِلْتُ وما هُوَ الغَيْثُ السَّكوبُ

107. May God's peace and blessings be upon him,
No clouds have journeyed, settled, or pitched tent,

١٠٧. صلاةُ اللّهِ ما سارت سحابٌ
عليه وما رَسا وَثَوَى عَسِيبُ