
Say to the guardian of the aspired state,

قل لولي الدولة المرتجى

1. Say to the guardian of the aspired state,
The one feared for his generosity and valor,

١. قُلْ لِوَلِيِّ الدَّوْلةِ المُرْتَجَى
والمُتَّقَى في الجُودِ والباسِ

2. You have won the people of merit, so they told
Stories of your victory next to Abbas.

٢. فُزْتَ بِأَهْلِ الفَضْلِ حتَّى حَكَوْا
عندَكَ فَوْزَاً عند عَبَّاسِ

3. Especially this literate one who
Came with poetry of various genres,

٣. لاسِيَّما هذا الأَدِيبُ الّذي
أتَى مِنَ النَّظْمِ بأجْناسِ

4. The eloquent one splitting with his praise,
Satire, and wounding remarks,

٤. النَّابِهُ المُفْلِقُ في مَدْحِهِ
وهَجْوِهِ والجارِحُ الآسِي

5. I have not seen before my standing upon
What he said youthfully with paper,

٥. لَمْ أَرَ مِنْ قبل وُقُوفِي عَلَى
ما قالَ نشَّاباً بِقِرْطاسِ

6. And a palm tree thanking your rain
From its roots, branches, and head,

٦. وَنَخْلَةٍ تَشْكُرُ جَدْواكَ مِنْ
أَصْلٍ ومِنْ فَرْعٍ ومِنْ راسِ

7. Towering without Egypt in sight
While it surrounds the path of crossers,

٧. شاهِقَةٍ مِنْ دُونِ مِصْرٍ تُرَى
وهيَ حَوَالَيْ دَرْبِ دَوَّاسِ

8. And the chessboard piece then ended
And I was not forgetful of merit among people

٨. وَرُقْعَةُ الشِّطْرَنْجِ ثُمَّ انْتَهَى
ولَمْ أكُنْ لِلفَضلِ بالنّاسِي

9. An inhabited station likened
To meadows in it with horses

٩. حالِيَةٌ عامِرَةٌ شُبِّهَتْ
بَيادِقُ فيها بأَفْراسِ

10. So tell us who is this literate one
Who increased my love and obsession

١٠. فَقُلْ لنا مَنْ ذا الأَدِيبُ الّذي
زادَ بهِ حُبِّي وَوَسْواسِي

11. If he is like me a Maghrebi then what
Is wrong with the company of different kinds

١١. إن كانَ مِثلِي مَغربِيّاً فمَا
في صُحْبَةِ الأَجْناسِ مِنْ باسِ

12. And the likes of me are to him today like
The boulder next to the steady mountain

١٢. وَإنَّ مِثْلِي عِندَهْ اليَوْمَ كال
صَخْرَةِ عندَ الجَبلِ الراسِي

13. And between our two homes is like between us
And where is Marrakesh from Fez

١٣. وبَيْنَ دارَيْنا كما بينَنا
وأَيْنَ مُرَّاكِشُ منْ فاسِ

14. And if he doubts my origin I came to him
With my woolen jubba and sandals

١٤. وإنْ يُكَذِّب نِسبَتِي جِئْتُهُ
بِجُبَّتي الصُّوف وَدَفَّاسِي

15. And if he finds fault in my language
I’ll be silent for poverty contested my eloquence

١٥. وإن يَجِد في لُغَتي رِيبَةً
أَكتم نبا نازَعْتُ إِفْلاسِي