1. Glory to the sons of the age, you raised it
And height for the children of the wilderness strengthened it
١. مجداً لأبناء الزمان رفعتَه
وعلاً لأولاد البريّة شدته
2. And the landmarks of the straight paths have become
With you at the top of the towering established it
٢. ومعالمُ الطُّرق القويمة أصبحت
بك في أعالي شامخ أرسيته
3. So people flourish in clothes woven
Like religion clad in a carpet woven
٣. فالناس تزهو في ثيابٍ حُكتَها
كالدين يرفل في بساطٍ حُكتَه
4. You have burdened the shoulder of this time with blessings
Until its pride bowed down so you ruled it
٤. ثقَّلتض كاهل ذا الزمان بأنعُمٍ
حتى تطأطأ عزُّه فملكته
5. And you walked when the swords of warriors flashed
Until it took off from you what you took off
٥. وسريت اذ برق الحسام على العِدا
حتى تجرّد عنك ما جرّدته
6. And the spears of the horsemen of ignorance trembled
With your spears of knowledge and misguidance you destroyed it
٦. ورماح فرسان الجهالة رُعتها
برماح علمك والضلال حطمتَه
7. Woven by you are the auspicious feathers that
The supreme nations submitted to when you threw them
٧. نِيطت بك السمر المثقفة التي
خضعت لها امم العُلا اذ رمته
8. It was as if it was feathers adorning its origin
By you or a honored sword you were its scabbard
٨. فكانها ريش تطرّز اصله
بك او حسام مشرفيّ كُنتَه
9. All virtues in the countries were chosen
By you and the evils of those who opposed you
٩. كل المكارم في البلاد تُخِيِرّت
بك والمكاره للذي عاديته
10. You revived for the first righteous ancestors virtues
Time hid its rays so you brought it back
١٠. أحييتِ للسلف الأُولاءِ مناقَباً
أخفى الزمان شعَاعها فبعثته
11. The stars faded when your sun appeared
Defeating the bright full moon
١١. أفل الذُّكا لما تبدّت شمسك ال
غرّاءُ والبدر المنير غَلبتَه
12. Shall I say that in the world of supreme
Is it also half of what you created?
١٢. أأقول ان بعالم السّبع العُلا
مَثَلاً أيضا هي شطر ما أبدعته
13. It is enough that our joy is crowned
From the secret of your rise that you sent
١٣. يكفيك ان سرورنا متوجّةٌ
من سرّ طلعتك الذي أرسلته
14. Eid is not but to see you wearing
The dress of consent on any day you counted it
١٤. ما العيد الاَّ أن تُرى متلفعاً
ثوب الرضا في أي يوم عدته
15. And to see you masked and revered
Above the thrones that you reached
١٥. وتُرى وانت مُقَنّعٌ ومعظّم
فوق الأرائك انو سريرٍ نلتَه
16. And before you the light that its rebellion
Cuts through barrenness you watered it
١٦. وامامك النور الذي وثباته
كالبرق يقطع مُقفراً روّيته
17. The nights pass by like daylight with it when
Its beginnings rose and you raised it
١٧. تمضي الليالي كالنهار به إذا
بزغت مطالعه وكنت رفعته
18. And we saw the bride’s feats
But they are less than those you found
١٨. ولقد رأينا للعروس مآثرا
لكنها دون الذين وجدته
19. She did not reach a tenth, no, nor
Some of what you innovated and outstretched
١٩. لم تبلغ العشر المعشَّر لا ولا
بعض الذي أبدعته وبسطته