
Abandoned by those it once embraced

أقفر ممن يحله السند

1. Abandoned by those it once embraced
No longer curved, no longer red, no longer firm

١. أَقفَرَ مِمَّن يَحُلُّهُ السَنَدُ
فَالمُنحَنى فَالعَقيقُ فَالجُمُدُ

2. Nothing remains of its glories
Except ashes and tent pegs

٢. لَم يَبقَ فيها مِن المَعارِفِ بَع
دَ الحَيِّ إِلّا الرَمادُ وَالوَتدُ

3. And an enclosure whose landmarks
The wind has erased - a mosque stands there, supported

٣. وَعَرصَةٌ نَكَّرَت مَعالِمَها الري
حُ بِها مَسجِدٌ وَمُنتَضَدُ

4. I cannot forget Salma, nor our nights
When our life there was soft

٤. لَم أَنسَ سَلمى وَلا لَيالينا
بِالحَزنِ إذ عَيشُنا بِها رَغَدُ

5. For we were in the prime of youth
And those days of ours were tender and new

٥. إِذ نَحنُ في مَيعَةِ الشَبابِ وَإِذ
أَيّامُنا تِلكَ غَضَّةٌ جُدودُ

6. A life like an unmarried bride's tent
Green branch, tender skin

٦. في عيشَةٍ كَالفِرِندِ عازِبَةِ الشِقْ
وةِ خَضراءَ غُصنُها خَضِدُ

7. Envied for our bliss - nothing makes envy
Burn like bounty itself

٧. نُحسَدُ فيها عَلى النَعيمِ وَما
يولَعُ إِلّا بِالنِعمَةِ الحَسَدُ

8. Salma's days were gentle, proud
As if they were the hem of a trail

٨. أَيّامَ سَلمى غَريرَةٌ أُنُفٌ
كَأَنَّها خوطُ بانِةٍ رُؤدُ

9. And tomorrow, if it comes bearing
The agony of parting I dread

٩. وَيحي غَداً إِن غَدا عَلَيَّ بِما
أَكرَهُ مِن لَوعَةِ الفِراق غَدُ

10. Once I wept over parting, though our house
Was peopled, from grief

١٠. قَد كُنتُ أَبكي مِن الفِراقِ وَحَيْ
ياناً جَميع وَدارُنا صَدَدُ

11. How can I have patience, now that ravens and doves
Call to each other in place of her voice?

١١. فَكَيفَ صَبري وَقَد تَجاوَبَ بِال
فُرقَةِ مِنها الغُرابُ وَالصُرَدُ

12. Leave Salma be, no longer your heart's torment
And sing the praises of its departed throngs

١٢. دَع عَنكَ سَلمى لِغَيرِ مَقلِيَةٍ
وَعُدَّ مَدحاً بِيوتُهُ شُرُدُ

13. For the best, the superior, the Caliph
Abdullah, above all others exalted

١٣. لِلأَفضَلِ الأَفضَلِ الخَليفَةِ عَب
دِ اللَهِ مِن دونِ شَأوِهِ صُعُدُ

14. Light shines from his face clearly
As the lamp's gleam when lit

١٤. في وَجهِهِ النورُ يُستَبانُ كَما
لاحَ سِراجُ النَهارِ إِذ يَقِدُ

15. He keeps his word when he speaks
And fulfills his promise when he vows

١٥. يَمضي عَلى خَيرِ ما يَقولُ وَلا
يُخلِفُ ميعادَهُ إِذا يَعِدُ

16. Of a people who scorn those who betray
And are not degraded by those who abandon

١٦. مِن مَعشَرٍ لا يَشَمُّ من خَذَلوا
عِزّا وَلا يُستَذَلُّ مَن رَفَدوا

17. White-boned steeds, their limit
Galloping swords, and their best helper, arms ready

١٧. بيضٌ عِظامُ الحُلومِ حَدُّهُم
ماضٍ حُسام وخَيرُهُم عَتَدُ

18. You are the Imam of guidance whom Allah sent
To reform mankind after their corruption

١٨. أَنتَ إِمامُ الهُدى الَّذي أَصلَحَ اللَ
هُ بِهِ الناسَ بَعدَما فَسَدوا

19. When the people heard that their kingdom
Had passed to you, they fell prostrate

١٩. لَمّا أَتى الناسَ أَن مُلكَهُمُ
إِلَيكَ قَد صارَ أَمرُهُ سَجَدوا

20. And greeted the news with acceptance - they would have
Rejoiced if told they would live forever

٢٠. وَاِستَبشَروا بِالرِضا تَباشُرَهُم
بِالخُلد لَو قيلَ إِنَّكُم خُلُدُ

21. The inhabitants of your land cried out in praise
Until Al-Uhud almost shook with joy

٢١. وَعَجَّ بِالحَمدِ أَهلُ أَرضِكَ حَتْ
تَى كادَ يَهتَزُّ فَرحَة أُحُدُ

22. And people looked forward to a life of bounty
If it continued, they would be fortunate

٢٢. وَاِستَقبِلَ الناسُ عيشَة أُنُفا
إِن تَبقَ فيها لَهُم فَقَد سَعِدوا

23. You were granted, from their devotion and obedience,
What no father gains from a son

٢٣. رُزِقتَ مِن وُدِّهُم وَطاعَتِهِم
ما لَم يَجِدهُ لِوالِدٍ وَلَدُ

24. It gladdened them that you were, as they knew,
Dedicated in this role you assumed

٢٤. أَثلَجُهُم مِنكَ أَنَهُّم عَلِموا
أَنَّكَ فيما وُلِيتَ مُجتَهِدُ

25. And that the good you have done
Bears out the promise you once made

٢٥. وَأَنَّ ما قَد صَنَعتَ مِن حَسَنٍ
مِصداقُ ما كُنت مَرَةً تَعِد

26. You reconciled their passions, and grudges
Fell silent, hatreds died

٢٦. أَلَّفتَ أُهواءَهِم فَأَصبَحَتِ الأَضْ
غانُ سَلماً وَماتَتِ الحِقَدُ

27. I thought the joy I found was unmatched
By any other

٢٧. كُنتُ أَرى أَنَّ ما وَجَدتُ مِن الفَر
حَةِ لَم يَلق مِثلَهُ أَحَدُ

28. Until I saw that all people
Found in loving you what I feel

٢٨. حَتّى رَأَيتُ العِباد كُلَّهُمُ
قَد وَجَدوا مَن هَواكَ ما أَجِدُ

29. People sought what you have attained
But could not reach it or even draw near, despite striving

٢٩. قَد طَلَبَ الناسُ ما بَلَغتَ فَما
نالوا وَلا قارَبوا وَقَد جَهَدوا

30. May Allah raise you up in nobility and piety
So you ascend, while remaining moderate

٣٠. يَرفَعُكَ اللَهُ بِالتَكَرُّمِ وَالتَق
وى فَتَعلوا وَأَنتَ مُقتَصِدُ

31. It is enough wealth for a man to gain closeness
To you, even if he owns no saddles

٣١. حَسبُ اِمرىءٍ مَن غِنىً تَقَرُّبُهُ
مِنكَ وَإِن لَم يَكُن لَهُ سَبَدُ

32. For you are a refuge for the fearful
And for the abandoned, a supporting arm

٣٢. فَأَنتَ أَمنٌ لِمَن يَخافُ وَلِل
مَخذولِ أَودى نَصيرُهُ عَضُدُ

33. Every man of means fears your reckoning
For what is known and unknown of his hands

٣٣. كُلُّ اِمرِىءٍ ذي يِدٍ تُعَدُّ عَلَي
هِ مِنكَ مَعلومَةٌ يَدٌ وَيَدُ

34. They are kings only until they see you
For the positions you have given make them abase themselves

٣٤. فَهُم مُلوكٌ ما لَم يَرَوكَ فَإِن
داناهُمُ مِنكَ مَنزِلٌ خَمَدوا

A shudder seizes them before you

٣٥. تَعروهُمُ رِعدَةٌ لَدَيكَ كَما
قَفقَفَ تَحتَ الدُجُنَّةِ الصَّرِدُ

36. As a grouse quails beneath the clouds
No fear of injustice, no base behavior

٣٦. لا خَوفَ ظُلمٍ وَلا قِلى خُلُقِ
إِلّا حَلالاً كَساكَهُ الصَمَدُ

37. Except what the Eternal has ordained

٣٧. وَأَنتَ غَمرُ النَدى إِذا هَبَطَ الزُوْ
وارُ أَرضاً تَحُلُّها حَمِدوا

38. You are a downpour when the rain falls on earth
That welcomes it, praising

٣٨. فَهُم رِفاقٌ فَرُفقَةٌ صَدَرَت
عَنكَ بِغُنم وَرُفقَةٌ ترِدُ

39. Some are your companions, a band guided
By you to prosperity, and a band misled

٣٩. إِن حالَ دَهرٌ بِهِم فَإِنَّكَ لا
تَنفَكُّ عَن حالِكَ الَّتي عَهِدوا

40. If fate changes them, still you do not change
From your established way which they knew

٤٠. قَد صَدَّقَ اللَهُ مادِحيكَ فَما
في قَولِهِم فِريَةٌ وَلا فَنَدُ

41. God has proven true those who praise you
No doubt or falsehood in their words

٤١. ما يُبقِكَ اللَهُ لِلأَنامِ فَما
يَفقِد مِن العالمينَ مُفتَقَدُ