
Her anklets jingled as she walked, her sash flowing over the dune.

نامت خلاخلها وجال وشاحها

1. Her anklets jingled as she walked, her sash flowing over the dune.
Awakened by this, the necklaces that adorned her graceful neck.

١. نامَت خَلاخِلُها وَجالَ وِشاحُها
وَجَرى الوِشاحُ عَلى كَثيبٍ أَهيلِ

٢. فَاِستَيقَظَت مِنهُ قَلائِدُها الَّتي
عُقِدَت عَلى جيدِ الغَزالي الأَكحَلِ