1. O son of caliphs, I have no more means of access to you
Though you are most worthy, yet your state amazes me
١. يابنَ الخَلائِفِ ما لي بَعدَ تَقرِبَةٍ
إِلَيكَ أُقصى وَفي حالَيكَ لي عَجَبُ
2. I gain no benefit, though you are my ultimate desire, when I seek you
As the itchy skin is irritated by the touch of clothes
٢. ما لي أُذادُ وَأُقصى حينَ أَقصِدُكُم
كَما تُوُقِّيَ مِن ذي العُرَّةِ الجَرَبُ
3. It is as if there had never been any ties or kinship binding us
No foster-mother's milk, no lineage bringing us close
٣. كَأَنَّني لَم يَكُن بَيني وَبَينَكُم
إِلٌّ وَلا خُلَّةٌ تُرعى وَلا نَسَبُ
4. Had you wished to draw me near through affection's bonds
Kinship and mercy would have brought me to your side
٤. لَو كانَ بِالوُدِّ يُدنى مِنكَ أَزلَفَني
بِقُربِكَ الوُدُّ وَالإِشفاقُ وَالحَدَبُ
5. Yet I remain beneath men who, when they see me approaching
Frown and turn their faces away
٥. وَكُنتُ دونَ رِجالٍ قَد جَعَلتُهُم
دوني إِذا ما رَأَوني مُقبِلا قَطَبوا
6. If they hear good of me they conceal it, while if evil
They broadcast it, and if naught, they fabricate lies
٦. إِن يَسمَعوا الخَيرَ يُخفوه وَإِن سَمِعوا
شَرّاً أَذاعوا وَإِن لَم يَسمَعوا كَذَبوا
7. Marking your aloofness to me when we meet
They spread the rumor that my rope with you is severed
٧. رَأَوا صُدودَكَ عَنّي في اللِقاءِ فَقَد
تَحَدَّثوا أَن حَبلي مِنكَ مُنقَضِبُ
8. So the gloaters rejoice at our estrangement
While true well-wishers grieve at the rift between us
٨. فَذوا الشَماتَةِ مَسرورٌ بَهَيضَتِنا
وَذو النَصيحَةِ وَالإِشفاقِ مُكتَئِبُ
9. Why not consider my excuse and their malevolence
Until the source of falsehood becomes clear?
٩. هَلّا تَحَسَّبتَ عَن عَذري وَبَغيِهِم
حَتّى تَبِينَ عَلى مَن يَرجِعُ الكَذِبُ
10. No intimate, nor even a neighbor bound by blood, would suffer this from you
Where is the fidelity, the truth, at whose service came the Books?
١٠. ما كانَ يَشقى بِهذا مِنكَ مُرتَغِبٌ
خالٌ وَلا الجارُ ذو القُربى وَلا الجُنُبُ
11. I compose poetry, refining and versifying it
Like threading pearls and gold to form a necklace
١١. أَينَ الذِمامَةُ وَالحَقُّ الَّذي نَزَلَت
بِحِفظِهِ وَبِتَعظيمٍ لَهُ الكُتُبُ
12. I sent the choicest aromatics from Yemen to you
In boxes whose locks and keys are of aloeswood
١٢. وَحَوِكى الشِعرَ أُصفيهِ وَأنظِمُهُ
نَظمَ القَلائِدِ فيها الدُرُّ وَالذَهَبُ
13. With love and sincerity I am drawn to you
From the furthest land until I am encamped near your abode
١٣. وَهَزِّيَ العيسَ مِن أَرضٍ يَمانِيَةٍ
إِلَيكَ خوصاً بِها التَعيينُ وَالنُقَبُ
14. I who lodged as your neighbor and guest under your protection
Whose home the Arabs could see in your shadow
١٤. يَقودُني الوُدُّ وَالإِخلاصُ مُختَرَمي
مِن أَبعَدِ الأَرضِ حَتّى مَنزِلي كَثَبُ
15. For you to debar me was like a fire in the wilderness
Fanned by the winds, ever fed with more fuel
١٥. وَكُنتُ جاراً وَضيفاً مِنكَ في خَفَرٍ
قَد أَبصَرَت مَنزَلي في ظِلِّكَ العَرَبُ
16. Yet your displeasure was not a thing I confessed to myself
Nor could I imagine deserving it
١٦. وَكانَ مَنعُكَ لي كَالنار في عَلَمٍ
فَردٍ يَشُبُّ سَناها الريحُ وَالحَطَبُ
17. No, some came to you with wicked and lying words
Seeking my harm, and accomplished their desire
١٧. وَإِن سُخطَكَ شَىءٌ لَم أُناجِ بِهِ
نَفسي وَلَم يَكُ مِمّا كُنتُ أَكتَسِبُ
18. Never did I know you to break off from a kinsman
Or refuse a right that was binding upon you
١٨. لكِن أَتاكَ بِقَولٍ كاذِبٍ أَثِمٍ
قَومٌ بَغَوني فَنالوا فِيَّ ما طَلَبوا
19. Or afflict one who bore what pained him
Or importune him with upbraiding beyond due measure
١٩. وَما عَهِدتُكَ فيما زَلَّ تَقطَعُ ذا
قُربى وَلا تَدفَعُ الحَقَّ الَّذي يَجِبُ
20. I strove with all my power to please you as I should
And so attain the intimacy won by your peers
٢٠. وَلا تُوَجَّعُ مِن حَقٍّ تَحَمَّلُهُ
وَلا تَتَبَّعُ بِالتَكديرِ ما تَهَبُ
21. Yet for all my pure and true devotion, and my
Praise of you, and being near, I make no headway
٢١. فَقَد تَقَرَّبتُ جُهداً مِن رِضاكَ بِما
كانَت تُنالُ بِهِ مِن مِثلِكَ القُرَبُ
22. I thought myself no stranger, now I proclaim
Aloud that I today am in exile, an outcast
٢٢. فَلا أَراني بِإِخلاصى وَتَنقِيَتي
لَكَ الثَناءَ وَقُربى مِنكَ أَقتَرِبُ
23. For your denying me my rights, rejecting me,
And hiding your face from me, I was content
٢٣. قَد كَنتُ أَحسبُني غَيرَ الغَريب فَقَد
أَصبَحتُ أُعلِنُ أَنّي اليَومَ مُغتَرِبُ
24. While people who in their hearts rejoice at my woes
Exult over me, from you to their very tonsils
٢٤. فَغَيرَ دَفعِكَ حَقّي وَاِرتَفاضَكَ لي
وَطِيِّكَ الكَشح عَنّي كُنتُ أَحتَسِبُ
25. I thought I had taken refuge in a sure stronghold
That they could not harm me, be they ever so emboldened
٢٥. أَمُشمِتٌ بِيَ أَقواماً صُدورُهُمُ
عَلَيَّ مِنكَ إِلى الأَذقان تَلتَهِبُ
26. But He in whom I trusted to fend off those who sought
Aught of me, He it was that did not grant their wish
٢٦. قَد كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنّي قَد لَجَأتُ إِلى
حِرزٍ وَأَلّا يَضُرّوني وَإِن أَلبوا
27. I devoted it sincerely to you, with the true devotion
Of one who knows where hope should properly be placed
٢٧. إِنَّ الَّذي صُنتُها عَن مَعشَرٍ طَلَبوا
مِنّي إِلَيَّ الَّذي لَم يُنجِحِ الطَلَبُ
28. Yet now you thrust it away from me, though I turn it
Toward you - for whoever is shown favor, him it graces
٢٨. أَخلَصتُها لَكَ إِخلاصَ اِمرِىءٍ عَلِمَ الأَ
قوامُ أَن لَيسَ إِلّا فيكَ يُرتَغَبُ
29. If you join me to yourself, courtesy's code it will be
If you reject me, then misery and homelessness for me
٢٩. أَصبَحتَ تَدفَعُها مِنّي وَأَعطِفُها
عَلَيكَ وَهيَ لِمَن يُحبى بِها رَغَبُ
30. Guard your honor, and know that your treatment of me
Resounds among foes whose malice is sweet to them
٣٠. فَإِن وَصَلتَ فَأَهلُ العُرفِ أَنتَ وَإِن
تَدفَع يَدَيَّ فَلى بُقيا وَمُنقَلَبُ
31. Of noble lineage am I, gently nurtured, living decorously
Shunning disrepute, exemplar of high manners
٣١. فَاِحفَظ ذِمامَكَ وَاِعلَم أَنَّ صُنعَكَ بي
بِمَسمَعٍ مٍن عِداة ضَغنُهُم ذَرِبُ
32. Surely they know that privation passes away
While wealth's turn must come round again
٣٢. إِنّي كَريمُ كِرامٍ عِشتُ في أَدَبٍ
نَفى العُيوب وَمَلكُ الشيمَةِ الأَدَبُ
33. What boots their greedy clutching of a right on loan?
Like spoils of war it is seized, then scattered as largesse
٣٣. قَد يَعلَمونَ بِأَنَّ العُسرَ مُنقَطِعٌ
يَوما وَأَنَّ الغِنى لا بُدَّ مُنقَلِبُ
34. No harm to them if their neighbor comes to own
Verses that steal past the chinks in their coat of mail
٣٤. فَمالُهُم حُبسٌ في الحَقِّ مُرتَهَن
مِثلُ الغَنائِمِ تُحوى ثُمَّ تُنتَهَبُ
35. They joy not if fortune grant them ease one day
Nor complain should they afterward be battered by fate
٣٥. وَما عَلى جارِهِم أَلّا يَكونَ لَهُ
إِذا تَكَنَّفَهُ أَبياتُهُم نَشَبُ
36. A people who inherited glory not lightly won
To whom voluntarily submit non-Arab and Arab
٣٦. لا يَفرَحونَ إِذا ما الدَهرُ طاوَعَهُم
يَوماً بِيُسر وَلا يَشكونَ إِن نُكِبوا
37. So let not fleeting bounty give you delight
Nor passing woes cause you grief
٣٧. قَومٌ لَهُم إِرثُ مَجدٍ غَيرُ مُؤتَشَبٍ
تَنقادُ طَوعاً إِلَيهِ العُجمُ وَالعَرَبُ
38. I have left my people, nor replaced them with any other
While Time brings about events in constant succession
٣٨. فَلا تَسُرَّنَّكُم نَعماءُ ذاهِبَةٌ
وَلا تَغُمَّنَكُم بَأساءُ تُقتَضَبُ
39. So this is the English translation of the Arabic poem you provided preserving the meaning and imagery of the original.
٣٩. فارَقتُ قَومِيَ فَلَم اَعتَض بِهِم عِوِضاً
والدَهرُ يُحدِثُ أَحداثاً لَها نُوَبُ