1. The Khalid forgot his worries and spent the night happily,
While I spent a sleepless night full of thoughts and worries.
١. نامَ الخَلِيُّ مِن الهُمومِ وَباتَ لي
ليلٌ أَكابِدُه وَهَمٌّ مَضلِعُ
2. I stayed awake, restless, not enjoying any pleasures,
Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.
٢. وَسَهِرتُ لا أسرِى وَلا في لّذَّةٍ
أَرَقى وَأَغفَلُ ما لَقيتُ الهُجَّعُ
3. I seek ways out of the blame that has overwhelmed me
And closed off all paths before me.
٣. أَبغي وُجوهَ مَخارِجي مِن تُهمَةٍ
أَزَمَت عَلَي وَسُدَّ مِنها المَطلَعُ
4. I grieve for Ma'tab's plight, though before this
I was not one to grieve over misfortunes.
٤. جَزَعاً لِمَعتَبَةِ الوَليدِ وَلَم أَكُن
مَن قَبلِ ذاك مِن الحَوادِثِ أَجزَعُ
5. O son of the caliphs, your anger at a man
Has become a terrifying tribulation for him.
٥. يا بنَ الخَلائِفِ إِنَّ سُخطَكَ لامرِىءٍ
أَمسَيتَ عِصمَتَهُ بَلاءٌ مُفظِعُ
6. So I will rid myself of what you disapprove,
If I can find a way out of this.
٦. فَلأُنزِعَنَّ عَن الَّذي لَم تَهوَهُ
إِن كانَ لي وَرَأَيتَ ذلِكَ مَنزعُ
7. Please show me, may I ransom you with my father, some leniency
And virtue, for virtue should be pursued.
٧. فَاِعطِف فِداكَ أَبي عَلَيَّ تَوَسُّعاً
وَفَضيلَةً فَعَلى الفَضيلَةِ تَتبَعُ
8. What has already befallen me is enough for you,
If you are satisfied that I have suffered harm.
٨. فَلَقَد كَفاكَ وَزادَ ما قَد نالَني
إِن كُنت لي بِبَلاء ضُرٍّ تَقنَعُ
9. My wasted body and sallow complexion
Show my sadness - even my skin looks darker.
٩. سِمَةٌ لِذاكَ عَلَيَّ جِسمٌ شاحِبٌ
بادٍ تَحَسُّرُهُ وَلَونٌ أَسفَعُ
10. If I have sinned and you have admonished me,
I will resist what you hate no longer.
١٠. إِن كُنتَ في ذَنبٍ عَتَبتَ فَإِنَّني
عَمّا كَرَهتَ لَنازِعٌ مُتَصَرِّعُ
11. I have despaired of you, so every hardship
Stretches its hand out to me, and joys are cut off.
١١. وَيَئِستُ مِنكَ فَكُلُّ عُسرٍ باسِطٌ
كَفّا إِلَيَّ وَكُلُّ يُسرٍ أَقطَعُ
12. After you severed your ties with me, ties which
I thought could not be cut.
١٢. مِن بَعدِ أَخذي مِن حِبالِكَ بِالَّذي
قَد كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنَّهُ لا يُقطَعُ
13. Be gentle in your treatment of me, for prying eyes
And ears observe all that you do.
١٣. فَاَربُب صَنيعَكَ بي فَإِنَّ بِأَعيُنٍ
لِلكاشِحينَ وَسَمعِهِم ما تَصنعُ
14. You have driven me away completely, all paths
Are barred to me and I have no defender.
١٤. أَدَفعتَني حَتّى اِنقَطَعتُ وَسُدِّدَت
عَنّي الوُجوه وَلَم يَكُن لي مَدفَعُ
15. I had hoped and feared for myself, and it was said
"He can harm when he loves and benefit when he hates."
١٥. وَرُجيتُ وَاِتُّقِيَت يَدايَ وَقيلَ قَد
أَمسى يَضُرُّ إِذا أَحَبَّ وَيَنفَعُ
16. I have entered the sanctuary of blame, surrounded
By guards who have seized me - a burning pact.
١٦. وَدَخَلتُ في حَرَمِ الذِمامِ وَحاطَني
خَفَرٌ أَخَذتُ بِه وَعَهدٌ مولِعُ
17. You demolish what you built and lower
My status, yet you are capable of much more.
١٧. أَفهادِمٌ ما قَد بَنَيتَ وَخافِضٌ
شَرَفي وَأَنتَ لِغَيرِ ذلِكَ أَوسَعُ
18. Do you not fear the gloating of people whose
Souls burn against you out of envy?
١٨. أَفَلا خَشيتَ شَماتَ قَومٍ فُتَّهُم
سَبقا وَأَنفُسُهُم عَلَيكَ تَقَطَّعُ
19. You have preferred me over them in lineage
And done for the tribes what they never did.
١٩. وَفَضَلتَ في الحَسَبِ الأَشَمِّ عَلَيهِم
وَصَنَعتَ في الأَقوامِ ما لَم يَصنَعوا
20. It is as if their noses are cut off every time
You confer on me some fine deed or favor.
٢٠. فَكَأَنَّ آنُفَهُم بِكُلِّ صَنيعَةٍ
أَسدَيتَها وَجَميلِ فِعلٍ تُجدَعُ
21. They wish that paralysis would strike their hands
And that you would refrain from honoring me,
٢١. وَدّوا لَو أَنَّهُم يَنالُ أَكُفَّهُم
شَلَل وَأَنَّكَ عَن صَنيعِكَ تَنزِعُ
22. Or that you would ask their advice, and so make them
Examples, while I am blamed and disgraced.
٢٢. أَو تَستَليمُ فَيَجعَلوكَ أُسوَةً
وَأَبي المَلامَ لَكَ النّدى وَالمَوضِعُ