
I am amazed at the sound of pouring rain

إني عجبت لصوت غيث مرسل

1. I am amazed at the sound of pouring rain
Drenching the meadows though it is far from me.

١. إِنّي عَجِبتُ لِصَوتِ غَيثٍ مُرسَلٍ
يَغشى البَرِّيَةَ وَهُوَ عَنّي مُقلِعُ

2. And a band of people who have not attained
The love you have granted me now drink their fill,

٢. وَلِمَعشَرٍ لَم يَبلُغوا مِن وُدَّكُم
ما قَد بَلَغتُ يَقومونَ وَأدفَعُ

3. While I remain apart, parched with thirst
As they imbibe the rain and slake their thirst.

٣. ما لي أُحَلّا عَن حِياضِكَ مُفرَداً
يَرِدُ الظِماءُ فَيَشرَبونَ وَأقدَعُ

4. So it seems that in the life I used to live
You never learned of my passion or heard my tale.

٤. فَكَأَنَّكُم فيما مَضى مِن عيشَتي
لَم تَعلَموا وَتَرَوا هَوايَ وَتَسمَعوا