1. Forsake my need, make it more intense
For it is now as lost as can be
١. تَخَلَّ بِحاجَتي وَاِشدُد قُواها
فَقَد أَمسَت بِمَنزِلَةِ الضَياعِ
2. If you nourish it with other's milk
It will be harmed by that suckling, you see
٢. إِذا راضَعتَها بِلِبانِ أُخرى
أَضَرَّ بِها مُشارَكَةُ الرَضاعِ
3. With you lies my thanks and poetry
Beware pretenders false as can be
٣. وَدونَكَ فَاِغتَنِم شُكري وَشِعري
وَإِيّاكُم مُكاشَفَةَ القِناعِ