
She said, while the caravan was loaded

تقول والعيس قد شدت بأرحلها

1. She said, while the caravan was loaded
"It seems you will be leaving us today."

١. تَقولُ وَالعيسُ قَد شُدَّت بِأَرحُلِها
أَلحَقَّ أَنَّكَ مِنّا اليَومَ مُنطَلِقُ

2. I said "Yes," and she fell silent.
Then said, "I've no patience for this parting

٢. قُلتُ نَعَم فَاِكظَمى قالَت وَما جَلَدي
وَلا أَظُنُّ اِجتِماعاً حينَ نَفتَرِقُ

3. Nor hope that we will meet again once parted."
I said "If I live, I shall not long absent myself,

٣. فَقُلتُ إِن أَحيَ لا أُطوِلُ بِعادَكُم
وَكَيفَ وَالقَلبُ رَهنٌ عِندَكُم غَلَقُ

4. How could I, with my heart held here, a captive."
I left her, sleepless with thoughts of her,

٤. فارَقتُها لا فُؤاي مِن تَذَكُّرِها
سالي الهُمومِ وَلا حَبلي لَها خَلَقُ

5. While she shed copious tears.
Like pearls her tears fell in an unbroken line.

٥. فاضَت عَلى إِثرِهِم عَيناكَ دَمعُهما
كَما تَتابَعُ يَجري اللُؤلُؤ النَسَقُ

6. Restrain your eyes, let them not freely weep,
Hold back your tears that eagerly would leap.

٦. فَاِستَبقِ عَينَكَ لا يؤدى البُكاءُ بِها
وَاِكفُف بَوادِرَ دَمعٍ مِنكَ تَستَبِقُ

7. Not so the fate, which freely gives and takes,
Nor yet the eyes and lids their watch that keep.

٧. لَيسَ الشُؤونُ وَإِن جادَت بِباقِيَةٍ
وَلا الجُفونُ عَلى هذا وَلا الحَدَقُ

8. Fine manners you have shown, no mere pretense,
But innate virtues, fruits of innocence.

٨. وَما نَعم مِنكَ لِععافينَ مُسجَلَةٌ
مِن التَخَلُّقِ لكِن شيمَةٌ خُلُقُ

9. You've shared unstintingly your gifts with all,
While others selfishly their knowledge fence.

٩. ساهَمتَ فيها وَفي لا فَاِختَصَصتَ بِها
وَطارَ قَومٌ بلا وَالَذَّمِّ فَاِنطَلَقوا

10. Some people, honor's height have made their goal,
Are yet society's despised and doleful shoal.

١٠. قَومٌ هُمُ شَرَفُ الدُنيا وَسُؤدَدُها
صَفوٌ عَلى الناسِ لَم يُخلَط بِهِم رَنَقُ

11. They lead in war, peace, contracts and discourse,
No base alloy dilutes their noble soul.

١١. إِن حارَبوا وَضَعوا أَو سالَموا رَفَعوا
أَو عاقَدوا ضَمِنوا أَو حَدَّثوا صَدَقوا