
A burning longing for you lingers amid the arid shrubbery

ثوى بين أثناء الحشا منك لوعة

1. A burning longing for you lingers amid the arid shrubbery,
My soul feels its passion while it roams around restless,

١. ثَوى بَينَ أَثناءِ الحَشا مِنك لَوعَةٌ
يَجِدُّ بِنَفسي شَوقُها وَهوَ يَعبَثُ

2. I hated being so enamored, if I truly was,
For it is an incurable affliction that persists,

٢. ثَلَلتُ الهَوى إِن كُنتُ أَكرَهُ قُربَهُ
عَلى أَنَّهُ الداءُ الَّذي لا يُلَبَّثُ

3. His heart bent when her gaze turned from him,
His insides writhing in agony and tearing apart,

٣. ثَنى قَلبَهُ لَمّا ثَنَت عَنهُ طَرفَها
عَلى مَضَضٍ أَحشاؤُهُ مِنهُ تُفرَثُ

4. Trust eyelids, if passion summoned their waters one day,
To flow unchecked at the mention of you without hesitation

٤. ثِقي بِجُفونٍ إِن دَعا ماءَها الهَوى
بِذِكرِكِ يَوماً أَقبَلَت لا تَمَكَّثُ