
He hopes for my patience, but what patience

يرجي اصطباري وأي اصطبار

1. He hopes for my patience, but what patience
Can there be for a staunch heart that flows?

١. يُرجّي اِصطِباري وأَيُّ اِصطِبارٍ
يَكونُ لِقَلبٍ عَميدٍ جَرِيِّ

2. It says, when passion has loosened its reins,
"My heart was singled out for a far-reaching illness."

٢. يَقولُ إِذا ما الهَوى شَفَّهُ
لَقَد خُصَّ قَلبي بِداءٍ دَوِيِّ

3. It spends the night like embers of unhealed wounds
And if it sleeps on a soft bed,

٣. يَبيتُ عَلى مِثلِ جَمرِ الغَضا
وَإِن باتَ فَوقَ مِهادٍ وَطِيِّ

4. The friend sleeps, but the lovelorn
Has no rest, even when the friend slumbers.

٤. يَنامُ الخَلِيُّ وَما لِلشَجِيِّ
رُقادٌ إِذا طالَ نَومُ الخَلِيِّ