1. She was distressed lest it be said an ignoble captive,
Or a prisoner bound by his shackles clanking.
١. جَزِعَت أَن يُقالَ دامٍ عَبيطُ
أَو أَسيرٌ لِحَلقَتَيهِ أَطيطُ
2. So she took rest in her who followed her,
A burning that kindles the thickets and provokes lament.
٢. فَاِستَراحَت إِلى الَّتي أَعقَبَتها
حُرَقاً تَلفَحُ الحَشا وَتُشيطُ
3. Her bosom fluttered over the distance when
She was sure that it was the all-encompassing affliction.
٣. خَفَقَت جَأشَها عَلى البَينِ لَمّا
أَيقَنَت أَنَّها البَلاءُ المُحيطُ
4. Then she said, consoling, though there be
No escape from calamity, yet it is endurable.
٤. ثُمَّ قالَت تَعَزِّياً إِن يَكُن لا
بُدَّ مِن نَكبَةٍ فَأَمرٌ وَسيطُ
5. Verily some misfortunes are lighter than
Others, and ere weeping comes resignation.
٥. إِنَّ بَعضَ الخُطوبِ أَهوَنُ مِن بَع
ضٍ وَدونَ البُكا يَكونُ النَحيطُ
6. Oh that hour in which the hearts between the ribs
Were roused to life, shaking like the bough that droops in the shade, weighted down.
٦. يا لَها ساعَةً بِها اِنهاضَ لِلبَي
نِ فُؤادٌ بَينَ الضُلوعِ وَهيطُ
7. Then she showed like the blackness its lightning
Rent, and from which the pouring cloud recoiled.
٧. حينَ جاءَت يَهتَزُّ كَالغُصنِ الما
ثِلِ في الظِلِّ مَتنُها المَحطوطُ
8. The Pleiades and a heap of sand bent
Between this and that in the garment sewn.
٨. ثُمَّ أَبدَت كَالأُقحُوانِ جَلَتهُ
شَمسُ دَجنٍ فَاِرفَضَّ عَنهُ السَقيطُ
9. O daughter of the Nights, thy talents will not
Suffer dejection in the setting of his purpose.
٩. قَرنُ شَمسٍ وَدِعصُ رَملٍ تَثَنّى
بَينَ هَذا وَذاكَ في الثَوبِ خوطُ
10. A horse that watches matters yet they
Escape him neither in excess nor in neglect.
١٠. يا اِبنَةَ القَيلِ إِنَّ خِدنَكِ لا يَق
دَحُ في غَربِ عَزمِهِ التَثبيطُ
11. Its glitter is its sword when it is polished for the
Coward under the darkness, the smooth file.
١١. هَرِسٌ يَفرِسُ الأُمورَ وَلا يَع
روهُ مِنها الإِفراطُ وَالتَفريطُ
12. With two noble swords Indian and quick
And hostile to the vicissitudes of Time the Evergreen.
١٢. ضَوؤُهُ سَيفُهُ إِذا حُشَّ لِلمُت
رَفِ تَحتَ الدُجى الذُبالُ السَليطُ
13. Every day the enemies are divided from him
With a leap, their reins loosened.
١٣. ذو حُسامَينِ مَشرَفِيٌّ صَقيلٌ
وَغَريمٌ لِلنائِباتِ عَطوطُ
14. Urge on the impetuous racer and soon
The impetuous shall be urged to speed.
١٤. كُلَّ يَومٍ يَنتابُ مِنهُ الأَعادي
ذاتُ رَوقٍ عِقالُها مَبسوطُ
15. Urge him on, excellent supporter in fright
For his dreams and excellent binder.
١٥. قَرِّطا مُهرِيَ العِنان وَشيكاً
فَحَرِيّ لِمُهرِيَ التَقريطُ
16. Urge him on, more bending, the completest
In intelligence and pliant in the neck.
١٦. قَرِّطاهُ نِعمَ المُؤازِرُ في الرَو
عِ لِأَحلامِهِ وَنِعمَ الرَبيطُ
17. Urge him on, for his starry lights a ray
And for the bit in his mouth a babble.
١٧. قَرِّطاهُ أَحوى أَحَمُّ عَلَيهِ
لِتَمامِ الذَكاءِ وَالعُنقِ ليطُ
18. Urge him on, engaging him and stirring him
As the brave was engaged by the glorious feat.
١٨. قَرِّطاهُ لِمُقلَتَيهِ شُعاعٌ
وَلِرادَيهِ في اللِجامِ غطيطُ
19. Urge him on, in his face appears
A joy like what appears in the blade straight and polished.
١٩. قَرِّطاهُ مُلاحِكاً حارِكاهُ
مِثلَ ما لُزَّ بِالكَتيفِ الغَبيطُ
20. Urge him on, as if when he listens intently
To every news report, his hearing is the highest.
٢٠. قَرِّطاهُ تَلوحُ في الوَجهِ مِنهُ
غُرَّةٌ مِثلَ ما يَلوحُ الشَميطُ
21. Urge him on, soon he will sever a chord
Or meet his destined death allotted.
٢١. قَرِّطاهُ كَأَنَّ سامِعَهُ المُص
غي إِلى كُلِّ نَبأةٍ إِعليطُ
22. Before Oman gathered a shadow of abasement,
Its structures of misery outspread.
٢٢. قَرِّطاهُ لا بُدَّ يَنقُضُ وِتراً
أَو يُلاقيهِ حَتفُهُ المَخطوطُ
23. May God curse wherever he lingered and passed the night
A curse whose erection is solid.
٢٣. قَبَضَت عَن عُمانَ ظِلّاً مِنَ الخَف
ضِ دَهاريسُ بُؤسُها مَبسوطُ
24. Misguided the corrupt, then followed Musa
A curse filling the plains and encompassing.
٢٤. لَعَنَ اللَهُ حَيثُ ظَلَّ وَأَمسى
لَعنَةً عِبؤُها مَحطوطُ
25. Oh my people, indeed the slave Musa has rebelled
And the armed and powerful destroyer.
٢٥. غاوِيَ الفُجحِ ثُمَّ أَتبَعَ موسى
لَعنَةً تَملَأُ القَصا وَتَحوطُ
26. Uzzan attained a kingdom, which if
Patience saw, it would think it a myth.
٢٦. يا لقَومي لَقَد بَغى العَبدُ موسى
وَالعَسيفُ المُدَفَّعُ العُضروطُ
27. The Azd swooped with the Hutuf to the Azd
And Musa is resigned, congratulated.
٢٧. نالَ عَزّانُ دَولَةً لَو رَآها
حُلُماً ظَنَّ أَنَّها تَخليطُ
28. The slave drinks its pure wine while the
Azd’s share of it is the dregs and the problematically obtained.
٢٨. سَمَتِ الأَزدُ بِالحُتوفِ إِلى الأَز
دِ وَموسى مُسَلَّمٌ مَغبوطُ
29. So fate wandered never to return, and wander with it
An oblivion no eraser can erase.
٢٩. يَشرَبُ العَبدُ صَفوَها وَشَرابُ ال
أَزدِ مِنها مَطروقُها وَالمَطيطُ
30. So strive utterly or die nobly
The glamoring and the plotting do not avail.
٣٠. فَهَبِ الدَهرَ لا يَثوبُ وَهبها
غَمرَةً لا يُميطُها مَن يُميطُ
31. To what, to what do we live, men of humiliation,
All of us bound by it, patterned?
٣١. فَاِبلغوا الجَهدَ أَو فَموتوا كِراماً
لَيسَ يُغني التَبريقُ وَالتَخطيطُ
32. Do you see the Azd apportioning humiliation among them
An outsider and a ruinous fabricator?
٣٢. كَم إِلى كَم نَعيشُ أَنضاءَ ذُلٍّ
كُلُّنا مُلجَم بِهِ مَعلوطُ
33. Then do you agree to that, O Azd, if you
Agree, neither plume nor pile of its arrows winged.
٣٣. أَتَرى الأَزدَ يَقسِمُ الذُلَّ فيها
خارِجِيٌّ وَخارِبٌ عُمروطُ
34. No - by the life to which I clung
In hope which despair cannot defy!
٣٤. ثُمَّ تَرضى بِذَلِكَ الأَزدُ إِن تَر
ضى فَلا ريشَ سَهمُها المَمروطُ
35. Let not my uprising delude you, gently,
My care is bound to the two noble steeds.
٣٥. لا لَعمر الَّذي تَمَسَّكتُ مِنهُ
بِرَجاءٍ لا يَعتَفيهِ القُنوطُ
36. Verily these matters beyond the sphere of divine mercy
Run their course of ascent and descent.
٣٦. لا يَغُرَّنكُمُ اِنبِعاثي رُوَيداً
إِنَّ هَمّي بِالفَرقَدَينِ مَنوطُ
37. Whether I show anger or am content, travel on!
By my life both my contentment and my anger;
٣٧. إِنَّ هاتي الأُمورَ عَن قَدَرِ الرَح
مانِ يَجري صُعودُها وَالهُبوطُ
38. All that was fated to be near,
And that which no buzzing of flies can hinder, I roar.
٣٨. إِن تَسَخَّطتُ أَو رَضيتُ فَسِيّا
ن لَعَمري رِضايَ وَالتَسخيطُ
39. Companion, had the pillar of my patience slipped a handbreadth,
The handbreadth on the day the truth was shown would have slipped it!
٣٩. كُلُّ ما حُمَّ أَن يَكونَ قَريبٌ
وَالَّذي لا يُحَمُّ ناءٍ نَعيطُ
40. The day I traversed the desert with the anklets
Crashing with the traveling company, and it was desolate.
٤٠. صاحِ لَو هَدَّ رُكن صَبرِيَ رُزءاً
هَدَّهُ الرُزءُ يَومَ بانَ الخَليطُ
41. Let not the enemies suppose my stand
Is where the pitiful watering-hole traps me.
٤١. يَومَ خِلتُ الفَضاءَ مُنصَفِقَ الأَك
نافِ بِالرَكبِ وَهوَ رَحبٌ بَسيطُ
42. Diverting my purpose not, nor does degradation until
I neglect revenge in my heart concealed.
٤٢. لا يَظُنُّ الأَعداءُ أَنَّ مُقامي
حَيثُ يَغتالُني المَحَلُّ الشَحيطُ
43. Then I pretended - the people reckon I am
Among them a friend and relation and neighbor;
٤٣. صارِفاً عَزمَتي وَلا الخَفضُ ما لَم
أَترُكِ الثَأرَ بِالفُؤادِ يَليطُ
44. Patience and hope are unleashed against the people, soon
Unleashing them against it will unleash.
٤٤. ثُمَّ أَخلَدتُ يَحسبُ القَومُ أَنّي
بَينَهُم لِلأسى قَريفٌ وَخيطُ
٤٥. سُلِّطَ الصَبرُ وَالرَجاءُ عَلى النا
سِ سَيُغريهِما بِهِ التَسليطُ