
His harshness connected his sorrows

صارمته فتواصلت أحزانه

1. His harshness connected his sorrows
And his abandonment made his eyelids abandon me

١. صارَمتِهِ فَتَواصَلَت أَحزانُهُ
وَهَجَرتِهِ فَتَهاجَرَت أَجفانُهُ

2. She said, you blame it on the touch of a devil in him
Rather, you were his devil when you possessed him

٢. قَالَت تُعَرِّضُ مَسُّ شَيطانٍ بِهِ
بَل أَنتِ حينَ مَلَكتِهِ شَيطانُهُ

3. His heart has strayed from him, so ask
Your eyes, where is its place and abode?

٣. قَد ضَلَّ عَنهُ فُؤادُهُ فَاِستَخبِري
عَينَيكِ أَينَ مَحَلُّهُ وَمَكانُهُ