
Red before mixing, yellow afterwards

وحمراء قبل المزج صفراء

1. Red before mixing, yellow afterwards
She came between narcissus garb and daisies

١. وَحَمراء قَبلَ المَزجِ صَفراء بَعدَهُ
أَتَت بَينَ ثَوبَي نَرجسٍ وَشَقائِقِ

2. She told the tale of the beloved's cheek before mixing
When we mixed her, she told the lover's blushing cheek

٢. حَكَت وَجنَةَ المَعشوقِ قَبلَ مِزاجِها
فَلَمّا مَزَجناها حَكَت خَدَّ عاشِقِ