
By your life, I still swear affliction,

وعيشك لا زلت حلف الضنى

1. By your life, I still swear affliction,
And without you, joy is denied my heart,

١. وَعَيشِكِ لا زِلتُ حِلفَ الضَنى
وَلا اِلتامَ بَعدَكِ لِلقَلبِ لَهوُ

2. Except by your tomb, for the wanderers,
When a companion tires, and lays down his song.

٢. وَدونَ مَزارِكِ لِليَعمُلاتِ
إِذا ما اِبتَذَلنَ ذَميلٌ وَشَدوُ

3. And what increases longing with you,
Is the yearning of maidens, and tender love.

٣. وَمِمّا يَزيدُ بِكُم لَوعَةً
وُلوعُ العَواذِلِ وَالعَذلُ لَغوُ

4. I have endured with myself the turns of fortune,
And all my life is but turns, and news.

٤. وَقيتُ بِنَفسي صُروفَ الرَدى
وَكُلُّ زَماني صُروفٌ وَنَبوُ