
They were unjust, yet under God's protection and care

ظعنوا ففي كنف الإله وحفظه

1. They were unjust, yet under God's protection and care
I still uphold our pact and take heed

١. ظَعنوا فَفي كَنَفِ الإِلَهِ وَحِفظِهِ
لا زِلتُ أَرعى عَهدَهُم وَأُحافِظُ

2. They did wrong, but I'll not turn from their wrong
Except to them, for passion makes me tender

٢. ظَلَموا وَلَستُ بِحائِدٍ عَن ظُلمِهِم
إِلّا إِلَيهِم فَالهَوى لي باهِظُ

3. I thought loyalty was fickle or fixed
Yet I'm gentle at times and harsh at others

٣. ظَنّي الوَفاء مُجانِباً وَمُقارِباً
أَبداً أُلايِنُ مَرَّةً وَأُغالِظُ

4. An eye attained its greatest fortune when
It gazed upon its beloved and took heed

٤. ظَفِرَت بِأَوفَرِ حَظِّها عَينٌ إِذا
ظَلَّت تُرامِقُ حِبَّها وَتُلاحِظُ