
It is not you we blame for this painful fate,

بنا لا بك الوصب المؤلم

1. It is not you we blame for this painful fate,
And yourself remains safe from its wrath.

١. بِنا لا بِكَ الوَصَبُ المُؤلِمُ
وَنَفسُكَ مِن صَرفِهِ تَسلَمُ

2. If grief has worn down your body,
Far greater woes have burdened us.

٢. لَئِن نالَ جِسمَكَ نَهكُ الضَنى
لَقَد ضَنِيَ السُؤددُ الأَعظَمُ

3. So spare yourself from imagined illness,
When it is our own hearts that are sick.

٣. فَحاشاكَ مِن سَقَمٍ عارِضٍ
وَلَكِنَّ أَكبادَنا تَسقَمُ

4. You are the sky whose shade,
When gone, is followed by darkness.

٤. فَأَنتَ السَماءُ الَّتي ظِلُّها
إِذا زالَ أَعقَبَهُ الصَيلَمُ

5. You are the morning whose light
Dispels the blackest gloom.

٥. وَأَنتَ الصَباحُ الَّذي نورُهُ
بِهِ يَنجَلي الحادِثُ المُظلِمُ

6. You are the clouds whose rain
Brings life to the barren waste.

٦. وَأَنتَ الغَمامُ الَّتي سَيبُهُ
يَنالُ الثَراءَ بِهِ المُعدِمُ

7. The highest tongues speak of you
When the generous patron is recalled.

٧. يُخاطِبُ عَنكَ لِسانُ العُلى
إِذا ذُكِرَ المُفضِلُ المُنعِمُ

8. Whoever gained rank through your grace,
His day outshines all other days.

٨. فَمَن نالَ مِن كَرَمٍ رُتبَةً
فَيَومُكَ مِن دَهرِهِ أَكرَمُ

9. When the days have turned against you,
Pillars of nobility do not crumble.

٩. إِذا ما تَخَطّاكَ صَرفُ الرَدى
فَرُكنُ المَكارِمِ لا يُهدَمُ

10. By God, Lord of all creation,
To whom all oaths are made –

١٠. فَبِاللَهِ أُقسِمُ رَبِّ الوَرى
وَلِلَهِ غايَةُ ما يُقسَمُ

11. If the skies poured down their rain,
You would live, the cloudburst your shade.

١١. لَوَ اِنَّ السَماءَ حَمَت قَطرَها
لَكُنتَ حَياً سَيبُهُ مُثجمُ