1. O clever one, we have differed
In the verb, between two agents
١. عِفظيرُ إِنّا اِختَلَفنا
في الفِعلِ مِن فاعِلينِ
2. Some said it gets dual inflection
To join the two hamzas therein
٢. فَقالَ قَومٌ يُثَنّى
لِجَمعِنا الهَمزَتَينِ
3. Others said it gets passive inflection
Where two consonants meet within
٣. وَقالَ قَومٌ يُعَدّى
بِمُلتَقى الساكِنَينِ
4. And you know better than we
About this, that, and therein
٤. وَأَنتَ أَعلَمُ مِنّا
بِذا وَذاكَ وَذَينِ
5. For you, O time, are a verb
Imperfect from two sides
٥. لِأَنَّكَ الدَهرَ فِعلٌ
يُعتَلُّ مِن جِهَتَينِ