1. The shin and the ear and the thighs and the liver
And the coccyx and the crooked rib and the arm
١. الساقُ وَالأُذنُ وَالفَخِذانِ وَالكَبِدُ
وَالقِتبُ وَالضِلعُ العَوجاءُ وَالعَضُدُ
2. And the leg and the palm and the buttocks that are known
And the eye and the ankle with its bracelets and the toe
٢. وَالرِجلُ وَالكَفُّ وَالعَجُزُ الَّتي عُرِفَت
وَالعَينُ وَالعَقِبُ المَجدولَةُ الأَحَدُ
3. And the teeth and the belly and the flesh down to the foot
After it, a known wrist and hand
٣. وَالسِنُّ وَالكَرشُ وَالفَرثى إِلى قَدَم
مِن بَعدِها وِركٌ مَعروفَةٌ وَيَدُ
4. Then the sinister and the right and its finger
Then the forearm by which the number is completed
٤. ثُمَّ الشِمالُ وَيُمناها وَإِصبَعُها
ثُمَّ الكُراعُ وَمِنها يَكمُلُ العَدَدُ
5. Twenty-one, no masculinity enters into it
Femininity is believed in grammar for it
٥. إِحدى وَعِشرينَ لا تَذكيرَ يَدخُلُها
طُرّاً وَتَأنيثُها في النَحوِ يُعتَقَدُ