
A heart torn asunder and turned to pieces

قلب تقطع فاستحال نجيعا

1. A heart torn asunder and turned to pieces
It flowed and with tears became teardrops

١. قَلبٌ تَقَطَّع فَاِستَحالَ نَجيعا
فَجَرى فَصارَ مَعَ الدُموعِ دُموعا

2. Its sighs returned to its depths
So ribs and limbs burst out from within

٢. رُدَّت إِلى أَحشائِهِ زَفَراتُهُ
فَفَضَضنَ مِنهُ جَوانِحاً وَضُلوعا

3. Wondrous is the fire kindled in his chest
That drew fountains from his eyelids

٣. عَجَبا لِنارٍ ضُرِّمَت في صَدرِهِ
فَاِستَنبَطَت مِن جَفنِهِ ينبوعا

4. A flame that dons rage when clad in sorrow
And reveals spring in the eyes, scorching heat

٤. لَهَبٌ يَكونُ إِذا تَلَبَّسَ بِالحَشا
قَيظاً وَيَظهَرُ في الجُفونِ رَبيعا