
Does kindness still look good after your harshness

أيحسن بعد ضنك حسن ظني

1. Does kindness still look good after your harshness
So I combine despair and wishful thinking

١. أَيَحْسُن بعد ضَنِّكَ حُسْنُ ظنّي
فأَجمعَ بين يأسي والتَّمنّي

2. And your kindness after loss does me no good
Like a gloating enemy's pity after burial

٢. وما نَفْعي بعَطْفِك بعد فَوْتٍ
كَرِقّة شامتٍ من بعد دفن

3. Do I hope to be a martyr of love
To gain heavenly maidens through you afterwards

٣. أَأَطْمَعُ أَن أَكون شهيدَ حُبٍّ
فأَصْحبَ منك حُوريّاً بعَدْن

4. You have possessed my eyelids and heart
So you have removed sleep and rest from me

٤. ملكتَ عليَّ أَجفاني وقلبي
فأَبعدتَ الكرى والعَذْل عنّي

5. How much reproach other than blame my ears have borne
And how much wakefulness other than sleep my eyelids have contained

٥. فكم أَرعيتَ غير اللَّوْمِ سمعي
وكم أَوْعيتَ غير النوم جفَني

6. You were harsh and saw nothing but the excess of my passion
For you my constant pleading to excessive devotion

٦. صَدَدْتَ وما سوى إِفراطِ وَجْدي
لك الداعي إلى فَرْط التجنّي

7. Indeed for me you have shown in every beauty
Kinds that excel every sorrow

٧. لقد أَبديتَ لي في كلّ حُسْنًٍ
ضروباً أَبدعت كلَّ حُزن

8. So how many skills of affliction did love's description show me
As if you wanted me to take the path

٨. فكم فنٍّ من البلوى عَراني
لِعْشق الوصفِ منك بكلِّ فنِّ

9. Until you made the resemblance in the full moon and the branch
So your face dressed the moon in perfection

٩. كأَنّكَ رُمْتَ أَن أَسلوك حتى
أَقمتَ الشِّبْه في بَدْرٍ وغُصْن

10. And your stature taught the boughs to bend
My eyes' ambition in love of you hoped

١٠. فأَلْبَسَ وجهُك الأَقمارَ تمّاً
وعلَّم قَدُّك البانَ التثنّي

11. For beauty but failed in you their hopes
So how many tears have I burdened my eyes with

١١. رماني في هواك طِماحُ طَرْفي
إلى حُسْنٍ فأَخلف فيك ظنّي

12. And how many regrets have I tapped my teeth with
You betrayed while seeing none but loyalty from me

١٢. فكم دمعٍ حَمَلْتُ عليه عيني
وكم نَدَمٍ قَرَعْتُ عليه سِنّي

13. Why did you not ransom me before my pledge in you was sealed
And if love had judged between us in fairness

١٣. غدرتَ وما رأَيتَ سوى وفاءٍ
فهّلا قبل يَغْلَقُ فيك رَهْني

14. You would have been more deserving of torment than me
You have set death in ambush for me, so I fear

١٤. ولو حكم الهوى فينا بعدلٍ
لكنتَ أَحَقَّ بالتعذيب مِنّي

15. Visiting it, even if it has not visited me
As the enemies lay in ambush each day

١٥. أَقمتَ الموتَ لي رَصَداً فأَخشى
زيارتَه وإِن يك لم يَزُرني

16. For Salah Al-Din in the plains and sorrow
They see his phantom moving like a ghost

١٦. كما رَصد العِدى في كلِّ يومٍ
صلاح الدين في سَهْلٍ وحَزْن

17. So if they bedded down, it came to them in weakness
It destroyed them, their fear of him, and he spent the night

١٧. يَرَوْن خياله كالطيف يَسْري
فلو هَجَعوا أَتاهم بعد وَهْن

18. As their shelter, even if it gave them safety in the evening
He took over east and west around them

١٨. أَبادَهُمُ تَخَوُّفُه فأَمسى
مُناهُمْ لو يُبَيِّتُهم بأَمْن

19. So they fell under captivity and hostage
He circled them from every side

١٩. تملَّكَ حولهم شرقاً وغرباً
فصاروا لاقتناصٍ تحتَ رَهْنِ

20. Tribes came against them without gentleness
He established a garrison against the Ayyubid family

٢٠. أَطاف عليهمُ مِنْ كلِّ فَجٍّ
قبائلَ يُقبلون بغير وَهْنِ

21. The Franks saw the straits of prison from it
For they are mountains for religion and life

٢١. أَقام بآل أَيوب رِباطاً
رأَت منه الفَرَنْجُ مَضيقَ سِجن

22. Unmoving pillars never seen to shake
If they pursue a resolve and opinion

٢٢. فهم للدّين والدُّنيا جبالٌ
رواسٍ لا تُرى أَبداً كَعِهْن

23. They suffice in war without striking and stabbing
And if he calls to battle they will not care

٢٣. إذا اتبّعوا له عَزماً ورأْياً
غَنُوا في الحرب عن ضربٍ وطعن

24. Whether their fighting is against human or Jinn
The kings hoped for peace from them to no avail

٢٤. وإِنْ نادى نَزَالِ فلن يُبالوا
قتالَهُمُ لإِنسٍ أَو لجنّ

25. And did not see their efforts in valor avail
And their kings altogether feared them

٢٥. رجا أَقصى الملوكِ السّلمَ منهم
ولم ير جهده في البأس يُغني

26. So did not turn a cold shoulder to them
From his might they have a strong pillar

٢٦. وخافتهم ملوك الناس جَمْعاً
فلم تقِلب لهم ظَهْرَ المِجَنِّ

27. And if asked for help, they shelter no pillar
The horizons of their Egypt contain fortresses

٢٧. لهم من بأسه رُكْنٌ شديد
ولو طُلِبوا لما آوَوْا لِرُكْن

28. So what if they man every fortress?
They are chivalrous, their rule is that of justice

٢٨. حِوتْ آفاقُ مِصْرِهُمُ حُصوناً
فكيف إِذا أَداروا كُلَّ حِصْن

29. It fashions their glories and makes them excellent
And how much graciousness they have surpassed

٢٩. غَطارِفَةٌ لهم سُلْطانُ عَدْلٍ
يَسُنُّ لهم مَكارِمَهم ويُسْني

30. In it, honoring beyond any honor
From them is the whole world's Joseph

٣٠. وكم معنًى من الإِحسان فاقوا
به كرماً على كَعْبٍ ومَعْنِ

31. And he has no share but excellence
I see the idea of transmigration in Egypt as true

٣١. لهم من يوسفَ الدُّنيا جميعاً
وليس له نصيبٌ غيرُ مُثْنِ

32. By the addition of a name to justice and goodness
And I have not seen a king so generous

٣٢. أَرى رأى التناسخ مِصْرَ حقّاً
بضمّ اسمٍ إِلى عَدْلٍ وحُسْن

33. His treasuries are empty yet he enriches
He rose like the sun one day at Nak'a

٣٣. ولم أَر مثله ملكاً جواداً
خزائنُه قِفارٌ وهو مُغْن

34. So light burst from him, filling the darkness
I see the infidels' disease weakened

٣٤. غدا كالشمس يوم وغىً بنَقْعٍ
فَشَقّ النورُ منه مِلاءَ دَجْن

35. By it, an illness that weakens every stronghold
They refused offspring, fearing the offspring of a girl

٣٥. أَرى داويَّةَ الكفّار خافت
به داءً يُضَعِّف كُلَّ مَتْنِ

36. Would abandon their religion or her son kill
So by it they were infertile without infertility

٣٦. أَبَوْا نَسْلاً مَخافَة نَسْلِ بنتٍ
تُفارِق دينَهم أَو قَتْلَه ابن

37. Just as by it they were cowardly without cowardice
And the one who destroyed them with nonexistence in truth

٣٧. فقد عقموا به من غير عَقُمٍ
كما جَبُنوا به من غير جُبْن

38. With praise like when they were found enriches
He has experienced through trials wisdom

٣٨. ومن أَفناهم عدماً حقيقٌ
بِحَمْدٍ مثلما وجدوا ويغني

39. And turned the wheel of fate upside down
So he held back the infidels from tyranny through cunning

٣٩. لقد خَبر التجارِبَ منه حَزْمٌ
وقلّبَ دهَره ظهراً لبطن

40. That confuses every thoughtful and reasoned mind
He brought the horses overland to the Franks

٤٠. فكفَّ الكفرَ أَن يَطْغى بمَكْرٍ
يُحَيِّرُ كلَّ ذي فكرٍ وذهن

41. And reached them at sea with ships
He has brought the slave girls among the slave girls

٤١. فساق إلى الفرنج الخيلَ برّاً
وأَدركهم على بحرٍ بسُفْنٍ

42. Extending with each stature inclined
Their gathering increases their misery

٤٢. لقد جلب الجواري بالجواري
يَمِدْن بكلّ قدٍّ مُرْجَحِنِّ

43. So singing women weep over singing women
No gazelle is ransomed by a lion

٤٣. يَزيدُهُم اجتماعُ الشَّمْل بُؤْساً
فمِرنانٌ تنوح على مُرِنٍّ

44. Nor lion redeemed by an ostrich's wealth
Alexandria exulted the day they were led away

٤٤. فما مِنْ ظبيةٍ تُفْدى بليثٍ
ولا ليْثٌ فِدى رشإٍ أَغَنِّ

45. And Damietta - so what loss did it profit?
The best of them in bliss is what has come to it

٤٥. زهتْ إِسكندرِيَّةُ يومَ سيقوا
ودِمياطٌ فما مُنِيا بِغَبْن

46. With the king's proximity - every exalted one it makes happy
If it wore for pride a coat

٤٦. وخَيْرُهما هناءً ما أَتاها
بقُرْب الملك كلُّ عُلىً يُهَنّي

47. It would trail the superiority of its train
The dew of bounty came before them from him

٤٧. فلو لَبِسَتْ به للفخر بُرْداً
لجرّت فَضْلَ أَذيالٍ ورُدْن

48. So how many singles with family spent the night?
And quickest for him is release from detainment

٤٨. لقد سبق النَّدى منه السَّبايا
فكم عَزَبٍ بأَهلٍ بات يبَنْي

49. Even if he who grants it does so without gratitude
Weapons fear hoarding in his presence

٤٩. وأَعْجَلُه السّماحُ عن ادّكاري
ولو أَلقاه مَنَّ بغير مَنِّ

50. And wealth flies without hoarding
How can the bounty of the sea retain the sea's bounty?

٥٠. فأَسْلِحةٌ تَخافُ لَدَيْه خَزْناً
وأَموالٌ تطير بغير خَزْن

51. Bearing obligation to a brother and obligation
Indeed, the Victorious King, the hoped for

٥١. وكيف يصون بحراً جودُ بحرٍ
فيحمِل مِنّةً لأخٍ وخِدْن

52. Is worthier than a living guardian who flourishes
He destroys his enemies and builds glory

٥٢. وإِن الناصر الملك المُرجّى
لَأْولى من وَلي حَيّاً بَهتْن

53. For his family, so he destroys when he makes safe
When he meets the foe, he is fiercer than a lion

٥٣. يُبيد عدُاته ويَشيد مَجْداً
لآلٍ فهو يُفْني حين يُقني

54. And if he gives bounty, he is kinder than rain
He brings you celebration, if only he survive you

٥٤. إذا لاقى العِدى فأَشدُّ لَيْثٍ
وإِن بَذَل النَّدى فأَسحُّ مُزْن

55. Else the celebrator would not gain victory over the celebrated

٥٥. يُهنّي الملك عيداً لو عداكُمْ
لما ظَفِرَ المُهَنّا بالمُنَهّي