
If the critic found some of what he found

لو وجد اللائم بعض ماوجد

1. If the critic found some of what he found
In love, he would not have denied it so

١. لَوْ وَجَدَ الّلائِمُ بَعْضَ مَاوَجَدْ
في الحُبِّ مَافَنَّدَهُ هذا الفَنَدْ

2. He advises me to be patient, but passion
By Allah! Gives me no patience or composure

٢. يَسُومُهُ صَبْراً وَمَا أَبقَى الهَوَى
تَاللّهِ لا صَبْراً لهُ وَلا جَلَدْ

3. Ask those engulfed by the catastrophe of separation
That forces upon my liver an eternal bond

٣. سَلْ بي وَقَدْ حُمَّ الفِراقُ مَوْقِفاً
أَلْزَمُ فِيهِ كَبِداً مِنّي بِيَدْ

4. The sweetness of a tight embrace that has acquainted
Our two souls into one body

٤. يَضُمُّنا طِيبُ عِناقٍ ضَيقُهُ
قَدْ أَلَّفَ الرُّوجَيُنِ مِنَّافي جَسَدْ

5. We were tested when reproach crept between us
We must resolve to face the inevitable separation

٥. كِدْنَا وَقَدْ رَقَّ العِتَابُ بَيننا
نَحُلُّ مِن عَزْمِ الفِراقِ ما انْعَقَدْ

6. The son of Musa is peerless in nobility
I seek refuge for him in “He is The One God”

٦. إنَّ ابنَ مُوسى فى الكِرام وَاحِدٌ
أُعِيذُهُ بِقُلْ هُوَ اللَّه أَحَدْ

7. He surpassed his father in supremacy and excellence
How beautifully did that comparison pan out

٧. تَلا أَباهُ في العُلا وَحَبَّذا
كَيْفَ جَرَى ذاكَ القِياسُ واطَّرَدْ

8. How apt for the branch to inherit the secret of its origin
And for the cub to assume the manner of lions

٨. مَا أَجْدَرَ الفَرْعَ بِسِرِّ أَصْلِه
وَأَخْلِقْ الشِّبْلَ بِأَخلاقِ الأَسَدْ

9. From the house of Yaghmour, whose glory
Spans across generations of fathers and sons

٩. مِن آلِ يَغْمُورَ الذينَ مَجْدُهُمْ
تَشابَهَ الوَالدُ فِيهِ وَالوَلَدْ

10. Say to the envious enemy who has declared war on their sky
When he saw their flaming meteors

١٠. قُلْ لَحسُودٍ قَدْ عَوَى سَماءَهُمْ
لمَّا رَأَى شِهَابَهُمْ وَقَدْ وَقَدْ

11. Lions pay no heed to powerless hyenas
So how can they possibly heed mere criticism

١١. لا تَعْبأُ الأُسْدُ بِذُؤْبانِ الفَلا
إذا عَوَتْ فَكَيْفَ تَعْبا بالنَّقدْ

12. Ask the dark night when it descends
And their wakefulness kindles the eyes of the sleepy

١٢. سَلْ بِهُمُ لَيْلَ القَتَام إذْ دَجَا
وَسُمْرُهُمْ تُوقِظ أَجفانَ الزَّرَدْ

13. Their swords are unsheathed but
Bodies appear through bodies

١٣. وَبِيضُهُمْ عَارِيَةٌ لكنَّها
مِن الجِسَادِ قَدْ تَبدَّتْ في جَسَدْ

14. Green and red as if they were
Arms of lovers above cheeks

١٤. مُخضرَّةً مُحْمَرَّةً كأَنها
آسُ عِذارٍ من شَقِيقٍ فَوْقَ خَدّْ