
Penned by a slave while still young

سطرها المملوك وهو أضرمد

1. Penned by a slave while still young
Who thinks dawn is the blackest night

١. سَطَّرَهَا المَمْلُوكُ وَهُوَ أضرْمَدُ
يَخالُ أَنَّ الصُّبْحَ لَيلٌ أَسْوَدُ

2. His tears at the lovers' evening never end
Nor do his sleepless eyes find rest

٢. يُمسِي بِلَيْلِ العَاشِقِينَ دَمْعَةً
لا تَنْتهِى وَمُقلَةً لا تَرْقُدُ

3. My eyes fell on everyone with sympathy
As though each was my own child

٣. كُلٌّ علَى إنسانٍ عَيْني عَطَفَتْ
كَأَنَّ إنْسَاني لَدَيْها وَلَدُ

4. When will my promise of virtue be fulfilled
Now that my watcher has weaned her gaze?

٤. وَقوْعِدُ البِرِّ فِطَامُ نَاظِرِي
مِنها فَهَلْ يُنْجَزُ ذَاكَ المَوْعِدُ

5. Is there any relief for Egypt's pain through me
When all her people are steeped in misery?

٥. وَهَلُ لِطبّ المِصْرِ مِنّي رَاحَةٌ
فَكُلُّهُمْ في تَعَبٍ مُنَكَّدُ

6. They spurned both land and sea because of me-
One a dunghill, the other a cesspool.

٦. مَلُّوا إليَّ البَرَّ والبَحرَ مَعاً
ذا مُزْبِلُ الطُّرْق وَهذا مُزْبِدُ

7. Yet they wearied of mocking me, their quiver
Empty of verses ripe for stealing.

٧. بَلْ سَئِمُوا السُّخْرَةَ لا كاغِدَةٌ
فِيها من الوَرّاقِ مَا يُنْتَقَدُ

8. Had they felt pity, it would not have eased
Save by my slipper or some similar thing.

٨. وَلَوْ أتَى فِيهِمْ حُنينٌ لم يَرُحْ
إلا بِخُفَّيْهِ وَذا مُطّرِدُ

9. Those I praise can expect reward.
Those I dispraise get only threats.

٩. سَعِيدُهُمْ بالمَدْحِ مَوْعودٌ مَعي
وَذُو الشَّقَاءِ بالهِجَا مُهَدَّدُ

10. They made me loathe life, and it is worst
When suffering becomes all you know

١٠. وَعُوَّدِى مَلُّوا وَشَرُّ الدَّاءِ أَنْ
تَعْيَا الأُسَاةُ وَتَملَّ العُوَّدُ

11. It was never my habit to tarry with doctors,
For one finds not what is precious.

١١. وَلَمْ يَكُنْ مَطْلُ الطَّبِيبِ عَادَتي
وَإنَّما العَزِيزُ مَالا يُوجَدُ