
O spring of innocence, this winter

ياربيع العفاة هذا الشتاء

1. O spring of innocence, this winter
Who has outgrown his youth and prime?

١. يَارَبيعَ العُفَاةٍ هذا الشِّتاءُ
مَنْ تَولَّى شَبابُهُ والفَتاءُ

2. Winds have turned from every horizon,
Keenness takes shelter before the lamp.

٢. وَتَوَلَّتْ مِن كُلِّ أُفُقٍ رِياحٌ
تَتَّقيها قَبلَ السِّراجِ ذُكاءُ

3. On the feast night they stole a rooster from me,
It sees equally the living and the eyes.

٣. سَرَقُوا لي في لَيْلَةِ العِيد دِيكاً
هُوَ لِلعيشِ والعُيُونِ سَواءُ

4. They stole it leaving the coal and ashes;
So my disaster is a terrible calamity.

٤. سَرَقُوهُ وَخلَّفُوا الفَحْمَ والثَّلْ
جَ فَحَسْبي مُصِيبةٌ بَلْياءُ

5. The feast has passed just as it came;
For me there is therein neither food nor roasting.

٥. قَدْ مَضَى العِيدُ مِثْلَما جَا
ءَ لا قَلاءٌ عِنْدي فِيهِ ولا شِواءُ

6. For a year have I housed it, and before that
Its food was my food, and my supper.

٦. مُنذُ عامٍ وبّيتُهُ وله قَب
لَ غَذائي غَذاؤُهُ والعَشَاءُ