
The slanderers said, though I refused to name whom I love

قال الوشاة وكنت نكرت اسم من

1. The slanderers said, though I refused to name whom I love
To spare him the pain of their reproach.

١. قَالَ الوُشَاةُ وكنتُ نَكَّرْتُ اسْمَ مَن
أَهوَى لآمنَ مؤْلَمَ التَّعْنِيفِ

2. The first letter of "his standing firm" and the "l" of the line of his excuse
Point to him through the tool of specification.

٢. ألِفُ القِوامِ ولامُ خطِّ عِذارِهِ
دَلا عليهِ بِآلةِ التّعْرِيفِ