1. He has a palm that has humiliated wealth in it
So he swore not to stay humble
١. لهُ كَفٌّ أَهَانَ المالَ فِيها
فَأَقسَمَ لا أَقامَ على الهَوَانِ
2. And from his favors, not from the mountain pass of Ctesiphon
Golden dinars that flee from the enemy
٢. وَمِن يُمْناهُ لا من شِعْبِ كِسرَى
دَنانِيرٌ تَفِرُّ مِن البَنانِ
3. And since it was built on the conquest it remained
Upon it, no changer of buildings
٣. وَمُذْ بُنَيتْ على الفَتحِ استمرَّتْ
عَليهِ ولا مُغيِّرَ لِلمَباني
4. And with his generosity to money, there is no dwelling
There, so how can two dwellers meet
٤. وَمَا مَعْ جُودِهِ لِلمالِ سُكنَى
هُناكَ وَكَيْفَ يُجمَعُ سَاكِنانِ