1. A star has fallen from the sky of glory to the earth
The heights of greatness weep for him and lament
١. هَوَى مِن سَمَاءِ المَجْدِ لِلأَرْضِ كَوْكَبُ
فَحَقَّ العُلا تَبكي عليهِ وَتَنْدُبُ
2. Seeing that humility is a trait
With which he excelled above the highest summits
٢. تَراهُ رَأى أَنّ التَّواضِعَ شِيمَةٌ
بِها قَدْ سَمَا فَوقَ السِّماكِ لَهُ أَبُ
3. So he shed his grandeur to become one with the soil
With the innocence of a child not yet versed in the ways of life
٣. فَأَمَّ الثَّرَى عَن قَدْرِهِ مُتنزِّلاً
بِغِرَّةِ طِفْلٍ لَمْ يَرُضْهُ التَّدرُّبُ