
They have forgotten my covenant, people who have changed,

لقد نسيت عهدى أناس تبدلوا

1. They have forgotten my covenant, people who have changed,
And they have changed sweet water to bitter with aloes,

١. لَقَدْ نَسِيَتْ عَهْدِى أُناسٌ تَبدَّلُوا
وَقَدْ بَدَلُّوا عَذْباً حَلا بأُجَاجِ

2. They have shut their eyes to my person, or averted them,
So they have no need of a lamp.

٢. تَعَامَوْ أو غَضُّوا دُونَ شَخْصَي أَعْيُناً
فَما لَهُمُ مِن حَاجةٍ بِسِراجِ