
The beginnings of poetry are in wisdom and pride

مبادي الشعر في حكم وفخر

1. The beginnings of poetry are in wisdom and pride
And describing the cheeks and the lively gazelle

١. مَبَادِي الشِّعْرِ في حِكَمٍ وَفَخْرٍ
وَوَصْفِ الخُوْدِ والظَّبْيِ الغَرِيرِ

2. And its end is begging and importunity
And praising the mighty and the lowly

٢. وَآخِرُهُ سُؤَالٌ وابتِذالٌ
وَمَدْحٌ لِلجَليلِ وَلِلحَقِيرِ

3. Like a seeker whose goal
Is to dig up graves

٣. كَماشٍ في المَطَالِبِ مُنْتَهاهُ
وَغَايتُه إلى نَبْشِ القُبُورِ