1. The cord of affection between us has not been cut
Whether the envious are pleased with us or angry
١. حَبْلُ المَودَّةِ بَينَنا لم يُنقضِ
سَخِطَ الحَسُودُ بِذاكَ مِنَّا أَو رَضِي
2. So if a slanderer slanders or is slandered
Woe to the slanderer who slanders!
٢. فَلَئِنْ تُعرِّضَ أَو تَعَرَّضَ ناقِلٌ
فَالوَيْلُ لِلمُتَعرَّضِ المُتَعرِّضِ
3. Affection is firmly established with me as it is with you
It leads you with an argument that cannot be refuted
٣. ثَبَتَتْ لَدَيَّ كَما لَدَيْكَ مَودَّةٌ
تُدْلي إليكَ بِحُجَّةٍ لَمْ تُدْحَضِ
4. With it you were satisfied, so you were called the satisfied one
With it you were content, so you were called the content one
٤. وَبها اكتفَيْْتَ فَقَد دُعِيتَ المُكتفي
وَبِها استَضَأْتَ وَقَد دُعِيتَ المُسْتَضَي
5. I swear by the shooting star of religion and mankind
That I do not see it flashing without your face
٥. قَسماً شِهابَ الدِّينِ بِالبِشْرِ الذِي
مِن غيرِ وَجهِكَ ما أَراهُ بِمُومِضِ
6. And my heart has never expanded with comfort
Except with dew, and has never been embraced except by sorrow
٦. وَبِراحَةٍ بِسَوَى النَّدَى لم تنبسطْ
يَوماً وعَن غَيرِ الخَنا لَمْ تُقْبَضِ
7. I have an affection for you that increases your well-being
Without it is the pain of blame that harms
٧. إنّي على وُدٍّ يَزِيدُكَ صِحَّةً
من دُونِه أَلَمُ العِتابِ المُمْرِضِ
8. You sent me a lovely companion who delighted me
With her ornamented and embroidered flowers
٨. وَلَقد بَعَثْتَ خَمِيَلةً أَغْنَيْتَني
مِن زَهْرِها بِمُذَهَّبٍ ومُفَضَّضِ
9. You showed me traces of your palm in the dew
O pride of one who relates it, compose and train it!
٩. وأَرَيَتني آثارَ كَفِّكَ في النَّدَى
يَا فَخرُ رَوِّيها الطُّروسَ ورَوِّضِ
10. And the boy has obeyed you between
The matters of glory and the wisdom of the wise
١٠. ومِن الغلامِ فقد أَطاعك بين
أمران المجد وبينَ حنك المحمضِ